Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

    When Jing Guangyao was sitting at the dining table to eat later, he calmed down and realized that in front of the young people, everything was actually as usual.

    Although there are no mutual pheromones left on the body, no association has been formed, which means that there is no mark.

    The morning thing was just a misunderstanding.

    When Jing Guangyao thought about it, he immediately felt embarrassed, and he actually said such nonsense in front of his daughter in the morning.

    He even jumped from father-in-law mentality back to father-in-law mentality in a second, thinking: Xia Xia can't... no way?

    Lin Chanjuan chewed the fried dough sticks mechanically, feeling complicated.

    It's all because Jing Guangyao lied about the military situation, which caused her to be so happy just now, thinking that the fake show was real, and she could directly get engaged.

    She even considered which hotel to choose for the engagement banquet.

    "Hey." Lin Chanjuan sighed.

    Jing Guangyao had already noticed that Lin Chanjuan's mood was getting worse, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong? Wife."

    Lin Chanjuan shook her head: "It's nothing, I just feel that life is too impermanent."

    Jing Guangyao: "..." Can you Don't be so artistic? I actually know what you're thinking!

    Only Mrs. Jing was holding the porridge, still maintaining a mysterious smile, her eyes wandering back and forth on Jing Qingxia.

    Jing Qingxia didn't notice it.

    I was still worried that Zhong Mingxue would be cautious when eating with a large group of relatives I didn't know, so I frantically brought food for her.

    The relatives felt their scalps tighten when they saw Mrs. Jing's familiar expression.

    This old lady is probably going to make trouble, right?

    The elders all looked at Jing Qingxia with worried expressions.

    Is the most favored cub in the family finally going through what everyone has been through?

    Even Jing Guangyao realized that something was wrong, and kicked Jing Qingxia lightly.

    Jing Qingxia, who was sandwiching rabbit custard buns for Zhong Mingxue, didn't know why, so she looked back at Jing Guangyao.

    I thought this father was sourly jealous again.

    "Dad, do you want it too?"

    Jing Guangyao was speechless for a while.

    Jing Qingxia reluctantly put the best-looking rabbit in a cage of custard buns on Jing Guangyao's plate.

    Then he turned around and went to the drawer to pick out the second most beautiful one and put it on Zhong Mingxue's plate.

    She didn't even forget to add in a low voice: "It's okay, whether they look good or not, they taste the same."

    Zhong Mingxue smiled, but she was a little embarrassed to be stared at by the elders, so she could only lower her head and eat the mountain of breakfast .

    Jing Qingxia still wanted to continue clipping.

    Pressed by Zhong Mingxue: "Enough, I can't eat so much."

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