Chapter 117

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Chapter 117 Extra Story 3

    "Is this the charm of senior sister Jing Qingxia? The court that is usually empty is completely occupied."

    "What do you think? I heard that the tennis club was about to be disbanded before senior sister Qingxia entered school. After she joined, it has now grown into the largest club. One of them."

    Outside the tennis court, there was a crowd of people so densely packed that they couldn't see what was going on inside, and could only hear screams one after another.

    People crowded in the outer circle came to join in the fun, and couldn't see the specific situation, so they could only chat and swipe the campus forum live broadcast picture.

    The incoming freshman is full of curiosity about the legends in the school.

    "Is everyone here to see the president of the tennis club? Is he really so good-looking? I can't see the pictures in the forum, I just think he is tall

    , thin and handsome."

    "Yeah, I'm curious too! Will it look better than the president of the student union? A few days ago, the student union recruited new students, and many people signed up, saying that they went for the president."

    "I can prove this, I have seen the president Zhong Mingxue! It is really amazing She ’s so beautiful, like a cold beauty in Tianshan.”

    “And she’s very capable. Originally, the student union was just a student organization, and it’s impossible for the teacher to delegate power completely, but she gained the trust of the teacher and took charge of many activities!”

    “ It's still an S-level Omega, the pursuers must be crushed, queuing up from the red building to the big playground!" The

    red building and the big playground are just at the two ends of the school.

    Hearing the freshmen's discussion, the passing senior sister couldn't help laughing.

    "You are freshmen, right?"

    "Yes, we are freshmen. We have only heard about the two seniors. We are a little interested. We don't mean to spread rumors." The group of freshmen explained obediently.

    The seniors didn't mean to blame the juniors, but instead smiled mysteriously: "You all went to the student union to recruit new students, and you met the president, did you see the ring on her hand?"

    The half-smile expressions of the seniors obviously wanted to teach them a good lesson.

    A school girl exclaimed: "Ah?! Is the president really married? I always thought it was a rumor!

    " Up for shooting! In order not to cause riots, the forum administrators deleted all related posts. And they haven’t taken a photo together recently, so everyone dare not talk nonsense.”

    “The president’s partner is also from our school?!” the school girl We heard the key.

    The seniors laughed badly.

    But the answer in this smile was quickly submerged in a burst of exclamation.

    They turned around and saw Zhong Mingxue in a plain white dress, projecting like a ray of light.

    The black crowd consciously parted ways because of this light.

    Zhong Mingxue thanked the students around her with a smile, and walked halfway to the crowd.

    People around the tennis court also give way in the opposite direction from the court.

    Jing Qingxia came out.

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