Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

    Students in the third year of high school rarely have time to relax.

    This weekend, the competition has temporarily come to an end, and the competition group has become lively.

    Talking about whether to make an appointment to watch a movie together.

    Because everyone is very confident in the results of this test, they feel that they will go to Nancheng to take the test together. They will stay for two days and one night, and they should make more connections now.

    Jing Qingxia looked at the lively content in the group, and turned to look at Zhong Mingxue who was eating oranges.

    Now is also the rare leisure time for this god-student student, just sitting quietly on the sofa with Jing Qingxia, eating fruit.

    In front of the TV is the TV series recommended by the home page, but no one is watching it, it acts as a background sound, it doesn't even matter if there is any sound, both of them just want to let go of themselves.

    The noise in the TV series actually made them very calm.

    Sensing Jing Qingxia's gaze, Zhong Mingxue may have misunderstood the other party's intention, and handed her an orange.

    Jing Qingxia looked at the tender and juicy jelly orange in front of her, and bit into it without thinking.

    The juice filled the mouth, it was cold and sweet.

    Zhong Mingxue was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Jing Qingxia to bite directly, her movements were natural as always.

    She licked her lips slightly, the sweetness of jelly orange remained on her lips, and slowly withdrew her fingers.

    Jing Qingxia took the orange away with Zhong Mingxue's strength, gnawed it and lost the skin.

    "Have you read the information in the group?"

    "What information?" Zhong Mingxue handed the plate to Jing Qingxia this time.

    Jing Qingxia took another piece: "They said they wanted to make an appointment to watch a movie together, and asked if we could go."

    "Do you want to go?" Zhong Mingxue didn't care about these social interactions.

    Jing Qingxia scratched her face with her index finger: "To be honest, I want to watch a movie."

    When watching a movie last time, Jing Qingxia discovered that many movies in this world are similar to the core content of the original world, but It is also very interesting to switch to the ABO world view.

    This made Jing Qingxia feel in a trance that the ABO world is actually no different from the original world. I don't have to be so repulsive, I want to accept more.

    Zhong Mingxue took out her phone, looked at the chat records in the group, and sure enough they were talking about this.

    Not only the competition group is lively, but also the class group, student union group and small group of four are also very lively.

    In the beginning, they were concerned about Jing Qingxia's health because they heard what happened in the morning. After all, in the end the incident caused the police to come, so it didn't seem like a trivial matter.

    Jing Qingxia calmly replied in the group that everything is fine.

    These boys and girls, who couldn't concentrate for too long, quickly diverted their attention and started talking about some topics related to the game.

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