Chapter 93

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Chapter 93

    "You are indeed very vigilant and asked the old lady to check me. Unfortunately, I have considered this situation a long time ago and arranged it from the beginning, so even if it is the old lady's network, it is difficult to find out. On me." Jing Feibai babbled a few more words.

    Jing Qingxia also glanced at Jiayou.

    Knowing that Jing Feibai is not a classic villain who died of talking too much at this time, he is just waiting for the good-for-nothing Jiayou to get up.

    In her script, she should not do it herself, she will let Xiang Jiayou push herself.

    Just like in the original plot, Xiang Jiayou, who hides behind, asks the heroine to push cannon fodder.

    The performers are all on stage.

    The thunder in the background echoes the climax like a symphony.

    "But to be honest, what I find more interesting is 'Chunri'. This kid asked me to help him find medicine, but he just wanted revenge on Zhong Mingxue who despised him. I'm different, I'm more curious You. I found a good-looking Omega to try you out. I have to say, you are pretty good, you are not like an ordinary alpha, which is very interesting. But in the final analysis, your alpha and Omega who are affected by pheromone should be Inferior breed." Jing Fei grinned, and under the light of lightning, this smile became a little weird.

    Jing Qingxia didn't speak, and quietly listened to the villain's speech, her eyes swept towards the forest behind.

    Jing Feibai didn't care how the unsupported person in front of him was distracted. Instead, he tried to stimulate her with words.

    "Now I have a new curiosity. You said that after death, Zhong Mingxue will marry other Jing family members for the sake of the will. Or, since she can fall in love with you because of your care, I don't know if she Will you fall in love with others because of their meticulous care?"

    Hearing the words Zhong Mingxue, Jing Qingxia frowned, realizing that Jing Feibai's plan to deal with the Jing family included Zhong Mingxue, and her face sink.

    With a step forward, he punched Jing Feibai just like he did to Xiang Jiayou just now.

    But the fist slammed into her face, and the four mercenaries behind her moved into action.

    The effect of the fist was only to smash the corner of her mouth, and Jing Qingxia's hand was grabbed by the mercenary.

    Jing Feibai touched the blood on the corner of his lips, and grinned: "You are really interesting, hahaha, I know that Zhong Mingxue is your weakness. I even thought that if I really can't deal with you, then I will use Zhong Mingxue Xuelai will take advantage of you, but you still have more flaws than I imagined."

    Four high-level alpha pheromones rushed out at the same time.


    Jing Qingxia frowned after realizing it.

    Was the "accident" in Nancheng also planned by Jing Feibai?

    There was a temptation before, and then Zhong Xiaohui sent mercenaries over again?

    Always be prepared to do things.

    It's no wonder she's here now.

    He handed over the plan to Xiang Jiayou, but he was worried about the bad things of this little brat who was a strong outsider, so he lay in ambush nearby.

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