Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

    Jing Qingxia and Zhong Mingxue came out of the dressing room after a while.

    When he came out, his lips were red, which almost aroused suspicion.

    But the pheromones on the two of them are fine.

    The two people who were not found to be abnormal just came out holding hands and accepted everyone's praise.

    "Boss, Sister Xue, you are so beautiful!!! Look here!! I want to take some photos for you." The number one fan, Yuan Leshan, kept taking pictures with his mobile phone.

    "It's really a good match! Sister Xia, you should wear more skirts, and you can handle it completely." Duan Yajie also kept applauding. I am used to seeing school uniforms, but now I am surprised by the wedding dress.

    "It's really beautiful, you two guests!" The staff next to him gathered around and praised.

    After Jing Qingxia got used to the skirt, she was in a much more natural state.

    On the contrary, Zhong Mingxue felt a little embarrassed after being praised, her face was expressionless, but her body was always sticking to Jing Qingxia's side honestly.

    Satisfied Yuan Leshan's interest in taking pictures: "Closer, yes! Hey~ you guys give it a hug! It's so beautiful! Boss, when will you take formal wedding photos? I want to sign up to accompany you."

    "After graduation, Before the official wedding ceremony." Jing Qingxia replied, while hugging Zhong Mingxue according to Yuan Leshan's request.

    Her eyes fell on Zhong Mingxue in the mirror.

    Zhong Mingxue looked up at her with a smile on her lips. The appearance of happiness written on the face was recorded by the mobile phone.

    "It's such a good relationship." The young lady next to me who helped determine the size sighed softly when she saw the affectionate eyes of the two.

    Yuan Leshan is already full of candy today, and when he heard what the young lady said, he should be very positive: "If the relationship is not good, we will not be together!"

    "When the relationship is good, we will naturally be together." Duan Yajie also left Come over, it seems to have changed the term, and it seems to mean something.

    Yuan Leshan hid to the side, put away his phone, and changed the subject: "By the way, Sister Feibai said that if our place is over, you can ask her to have dinner together. Are you going? Are you going?"

    Jing Qingxia was curious: " You and her have been on such a good relationship for half a day? Are we still best friends?"

    "Boss, don't be jealous, of course we are still best friends! Sister Feibai is really nice, you took Sister Xue away at noon , She didn't take us out for dinner, Sister Feibai took us to the cafeteria for dinner."

    "Sure enough, you can be bought after a meal." Jing Qingxia looked sideways at Yuan Leshan and shook her head with a smile.

    Yuan Leshan looked at Jing Qingxia and covered his face: "Boss, it's good that you are like this. Don't look at me anymore, it's a crit for your appearance!"

    "..." Jing Qingxia looked at Yuan Leshan's exaggerated reaction, I don't know how to answer.

    Zhong Mingxue grabbed Jing Qingxia, and even blocked Jing Qingxia and Yuan Leshan's gaze, and said to Duan Yajie: "Yajie, you'd better take care of it."

    "Well, I'll take care of it." Duan Yajie said Then he took Yuan Leshan into his arms.

    Yuan Leshan just found out about Zhong Mingxue's reaction and wanted to cry out.

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