Chapter 101

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Chapter 101 If Line Parallel World 5

    "What?!!! Zhong Mingxue is actually my sister-in-law!" Goudaner was so startled that he almost yelled through the wall.

    Fortunately, Xiao Jing had the foresight to gather the team members who didn't know what to do in the idle laboratory just visited before talking about it.

    The laboratory has good sound insulation because of the noisy machines.

    "Thank you for not killing me! I almost became my sister-in-law's bodyguard, it's scary to think about it!" Goudan'er touched the goose bumps on his body.

    Hanzi was very curious: "But, why does the captain and sister-in-law look unfamiliar, as if they don't know each other at all."

    This question was asked so that Xiaojing didn't know how to answer it.

    It can't be said that the team leader who brought his "sister-in-law" for a while last night was dumped this morning, but he saw himself again during the mission, right?

    Think about it and you will die.

    Xiao Jing didn't answer, but someone else objected: "Then you didn't see it, I feel that the two of them are just flirting with each other in front of their parents."

    "Yes, yes, they still live together, wow, you How much extra training will the team leader punish him for when he goes back?"

    "I'm afraid it will be a whole year of extra training." Goudaner was actually looking forward to it.


    "Ah!" Jing Qingxia sneezed suddenly.

    Zhong Mingxue, who was squatting on the ground to feed the homeless, turned to look at her.

    Jing Qingxia also looked at Zhong Mingxue.

    After looking at each other, Zhong Mingxue curled her lips and looked away.

    Jing Qingxia was a little strange, she could clearly feel the concern from the sight just now, but this kind of concern was fleeting like running water that couldn't be grasped.

    After coming out of the office, Jing Qingxia began to follow behind Zhong Mingxue, but Zhong Mingxue didn't talk to her, and let her follow. Whether it was writing a paper in the office or eating in the cafeteria, the two of them didn't speak, but they were inseparable.

    Along the way, Jing Qingxia felt Zhong Mingxue's good popularity in the materialization institute. Everyone would greet her when they saw her. Although she would not take the initiative to greet her, she would respond politely one by one.

    But now the way he pets the stray cat is gentle and childish.

    Different from the bed, Jing Qingxia saw more charms belonging to Zhong Mingxue. Her hands were tightly clenched into fists on her sides, and her gaze fell on Zhong Mingxue without moving away.

    Zhong Mingxue fed the cat for a while, then "hissed" when she got up.

    Jing Qingxia grabbed her hand in an instant: "What's the matter? Was it scratched by the cat?"

    Zhong Mingxue looked up at her, pursed her lips, withdrew her hand, and pressed it on her waist: "These cats were all scratched by us ." I have been sterilized and vaccinated. I, I have a back pain."

    "Back pain? Squatting for too long?" Jing Qingxia was stunned, thinking that the researcher might lack exercise in taking pictures, but thinking about the lines of her back. should not.

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