Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

    Before dinner, Zhong Mingxue's cell phone, which was set to vibrate, rang.

    She stretched out her hand to press it, and slowly opened her eyes without disturbing the people around her.

    The light outside the house had dimmed, and when he turned his head, he could only see the outlines of the people around him.

    Jing Qingxia was curling up in the blanket, leaning against her, with her arms wrapped around her.

    Just like the pheromones that they attract and comfort each other at this time, they have all gained stability.

    She stretched out her index finger on Jing Qingxia's face, the earlobes, the tip of the nose, and the corners of the eyes were outlined, trying to imprint every detail in her mind.

    Until Jing Qingxia's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she opened her eyes in a haze.

    Seeing the naughty fingers falling on his lips.

    Jing Qingxia moved, leaned forward, kissed lightly, and then said: "Zhong Mingxue, you look so good when you just woke up."

    I thought that when I woke up a little later, I found that I was being held by you Jing Qingxia, who was observing, would show a flustered and shy expression, just like her usual self.

    Didn't expect it to behave like this.

    Jing Qingxia, who was half asleep and half awake and still in a daze, made people shy with straight balls.

    Zhong Mingxue put away her fingers, her eyes flickered slightly.

    After going through what he wanted to say in his head, he said from his vocal cords: "You are also very beautiful."

    Obviously he thought of more than that, but the words of praise stopped abruptly here.

    Because there are many feelings that cannot be described in words.

    And it seems less sincere to say it.

    Zhong Mingxue's eyes fell on Jing Qingxia's face.

    If she were to just look at her like this, she would be willing to look at her until her eyes were sore before blinking.

    I wished to close my eyes until the drowsiness swept over me, and meet her again in my dream.

    But these words, she is not too hard to say, even if she is still in the fever, she can't say all of them.

    Jing Qingxia was a little more sober, and was also embarrassed by her straightforward praise.

    Only when I heard Zhong Mingxue holding back for a long time, reluctantly uttering the five words of praise for herself, the nervous feeling disappeared and turned into amused.

    "Okay, okay, don't force yourself if you can't boast, get up, you can go to eat sometime." As he

    spoke, he patted Zhong Mingxue's head.

    Zhong Mingxue closed her eyes and accepted the caress, muttering: "It's not forced."

    Jing Qingxia got up from the blanket and didn't hear her words clearly, but said: "Maybe it will be windy at night, remember to change into thick clothes, I will Also go back to add some clothes first and then come back to find you."


    Zhong Mingxue looked at Jing Qingxia and got up.

    Watch her go out and close the door.

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