Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

    During the three days of the exam, Jing Qingxia remained physically and mentally strong, and at the same time calmly accepted Zhong Mingxue's care.

    After resting, it was not until the end of the weekend that Jing Qingxia's repeated illness improved.

    Zhong Mingxue looked at Jing Qingxia who was sitting on the bed with a cute face.

    Jing Qingxia's eyes were shining brightly.

    Zhong Mingxue was silent for a long time before seriously asking: "Are you sure you really want to participate in the sports meeting tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

    Jing Qingxia has been thinking about this matter since the morning.

    She originally thought that the sports meeting would focus on participation and paddling.

    On the contrary, this illness aroused her stubbornness.

    Not to mention the exams, even the sports meeting must be well attended!

    "That's right, I'm fine, of course I want to participate!" Jing Qingxia insisted.

    But seeing Zhong Mingxue's sad face and worried look, Jing Qingxia couldn't bear it.

    I had to change the rhetoric: "Well, let's see the situation. If I am in good health, I will participate. If you think I am not good, I will withdraw. There are many people in our class and there are substitutes. The students will also I understand."

    Zhong Mingxue was a little relieved when she heard that the final decision was in her hands.

    He took the thermometer from Jing Qingxia and glanced at it.

    It is indeed normal.

    In fact, she has been observing Jing Qingxia for the past few days.

    I don't know if it's an illusion, but Jing Qingxia's condition is better every time she is present.

    Did I have a deterrent effect on her condition?

    Or in front of her, Jing Qingxia will deliberately not show her sickness?

    Zhong Mingxue thought for a moment, raised her eyebrows, and had an idea, thinking about it, her face flushed a little.

    Jing Qingxia saw that Zhong Mingxue had checked the body temperature but did not leave for a long time, so she carefully asked: "Zhong Mingxue, don't you go back to rest? You have work before the entrance ceremony of the sports meeting tomorrow, and you are very busy. Go to bed early. "

    What are you doing? Are you driving me away to do something secretly?" Zhong Mingxue asked back.

    Jing Qingxia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and simply shrank into the quilt: "What can I do? No, I just want you to rest early, and I want to rest too!"

    In fact, there was still a sneaky reason.

    Zhong Mingxue's previous pajamas had always been in a simple style, looking cool and cold, but today she changed into a cute one that was made of rabbits for some reason.

    Could this be Zhong Mingxue's hidden little princess attribute?

    Of course not, it was bought by Lin Chanjuan, it was originally given to cannon fodder, but now Jing Qingxia refuses to wear it even if she is beaten to death.

    Although the family has money, they never spend extravagantly. It would be a pity to throw away the brand new pajamas, so Lin Chanjuan asked Zhong Mingxue if she wanted it.

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