Chapter 106

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Chapter 106 If Line Parallel World 10

    Jing Qingxia seemed to be nailed in the air without moving.

    It wasn't until the phone screen automatically turned off that it slowly reacted.

    It turned out that the first time I saw Zhong Mingxue was not the first time Zhong Mingxue saw herself.

    What I thought was the initiative to attack, could it be this senior hunter waiting for an opportunity?

    Was everything premeditated by her?

    "I'm fine."

    Jing Qingxia looked at Zhong Mingxue who came out of the cubicle to wash her hands.

    Zhong Mingxue pursed her smile.

    Her smile is charming, and her tears are dazzling.

    No matter how many times you watch it, you will still be attracted, like a trap set by a hunter.

    "Let's go! If you are too late, they will talk about it for a long time." Zhong Mingxue smiled and held Jing Qingxia's arm.

    Jing Qingxia, whose hands were locked, also showed a slight smile, and slowly clamped Zhong Mingxue's hand firmly.

    It's good to plan ahead.

    It's good that the hunter can see himself.


    "Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow! It's actually true!!!"

    Just entered the door.

    Before Jing Qingxia raised his eyes to look for a seat, he saw a petite girl jumping up from her seat nimbly, shouting, and did not avoid the eyes of others, but walked straight to the door. wave.

    "Sister Xue, here, here!"

    Zhong Mingxue also heard the movement, waved her hand, and walked over with Jing Qingxia.

    Jing Qingxia walked and observed the two people in the seat.

    Beside the little girl, the tall, thin and mature girl stood up and pulled her to the seat.

    "Don't be so excited, Sister Xue and her partner can't run away again."

    "Hey hey~" The little girl smiled and whispered a few words in the thin and tall girl's ear, her face full of pride in seeing through everything.

    The thin and tall girl couldn't help but smile too, and finally the two of them laughed together.

    Seeing the two of them like this, Jing Qingxia felt inexplicable emotions. A little warm, a little familiar, like a reunion of long-lost old friends.

    In short, she didn't hate it. She liked these two friends of Zhong Mingxue and wanted to be friends with them.

    "Hello, my name is Jing Qingxia, and I'm Zhong Mingxue's girlfriend."

    "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, hello hello! My name is Yuan Leshan! You can call me Xiaole." The little girl He grabbed Jing Qingxia's hand at once, shook it excitedly, but felt that it was impolite, so he quickly let go, grinning silly.

    The mature-looking tall and thin girl next to her looked calmer and reached out her hand: "Hi, I'm Duan Yajie. We call your girlfriend Sister Xue, so let's call you Sister Xia too. We and Sister Xue We're all high school classmates, don't look at our outlier personality, sister Xue has a quiet personality, but in fact we have a very good relationship."

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