Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

    Jing Qingxia and Zhong Mingxue came to the original courtyard one step slower than the rest of the troops.

    "Are you feeling better?" Zhong Mingxue supported Jing Qingxia all the time.

    Jing Qingxia smiled helplessly because of Zhong Mingxue's over worry: "I may have been tortured by the biology question last night and had a nightmare, and I didn't sleep well. It's not such an exaggeration."

    "Then you will be in the room in the afternoon Get some sleep, your lips are a little pale." Zhong Mingxue's worry didn't diminish at all when she heard the joke.

    Jing Qingxia's heart felt warm and hot. She couldn't help but kissed Zhong Mingxue's forehead.

    Sensing the cool temperature on Jing Qingxia's lips, Zhong Mingxue's hand tightly clutched the corner of her clothes, and her face flushed red from the sudden light kiss.

    This person loves sneak attacks more and more.

    Not annoying, though.

    The other students tidy up in their rooms.

    All kinds of complaints from these pampered young ladies and young masters from various rooms can be vaguely heard in the yard.

    Only Su Zhenyi stood alone in the lobby living room, cleaning a bright purple motorcycle.

    Among all kinds of wooden furniture, this bright purple metal bump looks a little out of place.

    "Cousin, you are here! The room is the original one, everything is packed, you can just check in with your bags. There is also an emergency bag, this is yours, there is a positioning device inside, if there is anything you can use the positioning device, you can find it at any time You guys, I must have been thoughtful this time!" Su Zhenyi gave the two of them equipment bags and the key to the house.

    Jing Qingxia took two equipment bags and the keys, but did not walk away, her eyes fixed on her motorcycle.

    In her previous life, as a special soldier, she had to train a lot of vehicles, and her favorite was motorcycles.

    Most vehicles are iron-clad meat, while motorcycles are meat-clad iron.

    Not safe, but the most flexible and exciting.

    "It's raining and muddy, what are you doing with a motorcycle?" Jing Qingxia circled the motorcycle twice with great interest.

    "It's not because of the broken road outside, the bus and car are too uncomfortable to sit on, so I want to get a comfortable one for myself. Who would have thought that it would rain every day during this time? I can only clean the car here every day and have no chance to go out Take a good walk." Su Zhenyi gently stroked the motorcycle.

    Jing Qingxia roughly took a look, some of the motorcycle's equipment must have been assembled by Su Zhenyi, at least the shock absorber was specially put on to avoid being taught a lesson by the bumpy mountain road.     When Su Zhenyi saw Jing Qingxia staring at the shock absorber she had specially selected, she realized that her cousin must also understand. She who had always felt that she had no bosom friend suddenly became excited, and wanted to have a good chat with Jing Qingxia.     But Zhong Mingxue came over and took the key from Jing Qingxia's hand: "Xia Xia, aren't you tired, go back and rest first, don't get a fever, the medical conditions here are not good. You sleep enough for an afternoon Come out, otherwise it will affect your state and you will have a headache."     Zhong Mingxue's rambling appearance was in complete contrast to the usual appearance of Kaolin Flower.     Su Zhenyi was taken aback when she heard that.     Jing Qingxia looked at Su Zhenyi and grinned: "Then let's talk when I have time, I have to go back to rest."     Zhong Mingxue opened the door and didn't go in directly, but pushed the suitcase and stood at the door waiting for a while.     Jing Qingxia immediately took the initiative to follow and entered the room honestly.     "Tsk, go, go! Go and sleep with your wife! Also, don't forget to put the locator on your body, I remind everyone!" Su Zhenyi finished speaking, and the door closed.     She rolled her eyes resentfully, thinking that her cousin's happy little expression was clearly showing off that she had a wife, don't pretend I didn't know!     She didn't believe Jing Qingxia's body, and it took an afternoon to rest after taking a bus to the mountain, it must be an excuse, just to get bored with Zhong Mingxue.     However, she was wrong.

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