Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    Yuan Leshan and Duan Yajie returned to the stands of their class after handing over to Zhong Mingxue at the inspection office because they did not have work cards.

    Witnessed it all from the stands.

    Yuan Leshan was anxious and almost fell off the railing of the stand, but was stopped by Duan Yajie.

    "Don't worry, I'll help you borrow a job card now!" Duan Yajie's social butterfly skills came into play.

    After a while, Yuan Leshan followed Duan Yajie to the venue, but by this time the crowd had dispersed.

    The second Mrs. Su and the third were sent to the infirmary.

    Only Jing Qingxia was helped away by Zhong Mingxue, no one followed, and her whereabouts were unknown.

    At this moment, in the broadcast on the rostrum, Jing Qingxia was being praised in a long piece, which was sincere and exciting.

    It's just a pity that neither the person concerned nor the entire Tenth Class is thinking about it.

    Although Yuan Leshan heard that Jing Qingxia was taken away by Zhong Mingxue, he was still worried, after all Jing Qingxia was injured. Although Zhong Mingxue is formidable, she is also an Omega, so what will happen if she fails to keep it all.

    Duan Yajie wanted to say that even Mrs. Su was sent to the infirmary, and no one else would make trouble. But seeing Yuan Leshan's expression was very bad, he could only pat her on the shoulder: "Take it away, I'll look for it with you, let's protect sister Xia."

    "Okay!" Yuan Leshan's eyes were faintly red, and he nodded hastily.


    The wind blowing away the bloody smell.

    The fresh air poured into the nasal cavity made Jing Qingxia wake up for a second.

    The scratches on her body looked a little shocking, but they all scabbed over by themselves. Time seemed to be accelerating on her body, and all the cells were active to release power.

    Only the brain is chaotic.

    "Jing Qingxia, are you still awake?" Zhong Mingxue took out the key to the equipment room to open the door, while embracing Jing Qingxia's waist.

    Jing Qingxia's waist is also very thin, but full of strength, her muscles are tight and resilient, making it impossible to move her hands.

    Zhong Mingxue bit her lower lip and exerted all her strength.

    Jing Qingxia leaned on her shoulder and hummed softly.

    Like a newborn animal, soft.

    Zhong Mingxue's heart softened, and she was half-embraced and half-pushed into the equipment room.

    As soon as the door was opened, various auras mixed with each other in the equipment room.


    Jing Qingxia coughed from the dust.

    With this cough, Zhong Mingxue was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly realized what happened just now.

    Jing Qingxia leaned back and forth on her shoulder just now, and wiped her barrier patch away when it brushed the back of her neck, and now the hot air from Jing Qingxia's mouth is spraying on her glands.

    In the air, the smell of iced limoncello wafted.

    Fortunately, Jing Qingxia has no differentiation, and the pheromones of S-level Omega will not affect her.

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