Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

    "Jing Qingxia, you are inhuman!!"

    In the background sound of Duan Yajie cursing, Jing Qingxia grabbed Zhong Mingxue's schoolbag strap and motioned her to leave.

    Zhong Mingxue turned her head and glanced at Duan Yajie who was lying on the ground with a painful face but still kept smiling at her.

    In the end, she followed Jing Qingxia along with her schoolbag.

    Duan Yajie rolled her eyes and left without mercy? I am a young girl at any rate, what should I do if I fall out of it!

    This is really a woman singing a woman's suit!

    Duan Yajie made a "tsk tsk" sound.


    Zhong Mingxue walked to a safe area where Duan Yajie could not be seen, and then said, "You just dropped your good friend over your shoulder, is it okay?

    " I can’t even beat her. And I’m relieved, it doesn’t hurt at all, she just screams. Don’t worry, as long as I train her, she will be conditioned to throw you over my shoulder when she says “Hi, beauty” to you , she won't be so rude to you in the future." Jing Qingxia said.

    Zhong Mingxue: "Is this considered rude? After all, it is the truth."




    Jing Qingxia opened her eyes wide and looked at Zhong Mingxue's profile.

    The mandible line presents a very good arc in the light and shadow.

    A pair of light brown eyes were shining brightly.

    It may be because the summer wind is hot, the girl's hair is fluttering and the coldness on her face is a little less, which is very beautiful.

    Wait, wait, now is not the time to appreciate beauty.

    Does Zhong Mingxue have this kind of personality?

    Suddenly a little cute, is this a gesture of affection?

    Is it in return for resolving Mrs. Su's entanglement in the morning?

    Jing Qingxia: "So you like this style. From then on, I will greet you like this every morning. After all, it is the truth, right, beauty?"

    Jing Qingxia didn't linger, and took the initiative to lead the way after speaking.

    Zhong Mingxue didn't expect Jing Qingxia to react like this, as if the two were really good friends.

    Wasn't this person still afraid of himself a few days ago?

    Temptations are always mutual, and Zhong Mingxue is still observing Jing Qingxia's true attitude.

    Seeing the ponytail of the man in front of him bouncing up and down, Zhong Mingxue's tense heart seemed to relax a bit.


    "Report, teacher, I brought my new classmate Zhong Mingxue to see you." Jing Qingxia took the initiative to introduce at the door of the office.

    The head teacher looked up a little surprised.

    The girl in front of her was wearing a clean school uniform, her smile was as warm as the sun.

    The girl standing next to her was also pretty in her own clothes, with a sense of alienation on her face.

    One hot and one cold, the head teacher was a little dizzy.

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