Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

    "Car accident" as a key word has moved Zhong Mingxue's face.

    She looked at the old lady's haggard face.

    I don't know how much pain the loss of a loved one has brought to her.

    The old lady's face was pale, and her purple lips were chapped and peeled. It seemed that she hadn't eaten for a long time, and even hadn't drank water for a long time.

    Zhong Mingxue looked up, and the old lady pointed to a small shop in the alley. There was no signboard, and the door was just open to attract customers. It looked like a small business.

    Zhong Mingxue originally wanted to say that if he had money, he could invite the old lady to a better place for dinner.

    But considering that the old lady doesn't even want cash, she only wants a bowl of noodles, so give her some dignity.

    After hesitating for a moment, he followed the old lady towards the small shop with the mobile phone in his hand.

    From the outside of the store, there were no customers. After entering the store, I found that the lights in the store were not even turned on.

    "Is anyone there?" In the

    darkness, there was no response.

    There are menus posted on the surrounding walls, the walls are full of mold spots, and the floor is not very clean.

    The oncoming smell was a dusty smell.

    This taste is very strange.

    Even if this store is a small business and not very hygienic, it should smell of oily smoke, even if it is a sour smell, it is normal.

    Why is it the smell of dust?

    The vigilance awakened again, making Zhong Mingxue stop in her tracks.

    The old lady was aware of Zhong Mingxue's hesitation, and directly held Zhong Mingxue's wrist with one hand: "Girl, don't go." The

    old lady still had a weak look on her face.

    Zhong Mingxue's back turned cold and finally realized that something was wrong.

    But it was too late to react.

    The old lady grabbed her wrist tightly with one hand, took out a spray with the other hand, and sprayed it into the air.

    From the back kitchen of the small shop, a man who was 1.8 meters tall and full of flesh came out, with a strange smile on his face.

    "This girl looks really juicy." The accent is not like that of a local, just like that of an old lady.

    A pungent chilli smell filled the air.

    It is an aggressive pheromone belonging to alpha.

    Zhong Mingxue was stimulated by this aggressive pheromone, and the glands at the back of her neck throbbed violently.

    Such a bad feeling!

    The S-level omega instinctively resisted the shameless attack of this inferior pheromone.

    But Zhong Mingxue's heart skipped a beat.


    His legs were weak, and he couldn't utter the word "Help" stuck in his throat.

    The small noises in the small shop were covered by the laughter and noise on the street.

    The old lady raised her hand and closed the door. The pleasant bustle and the warm sunset were cut off.

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