Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

    Sitting in the air-conditioned room full of furry creatures, everyone's mood improved, and they didn't care about talking about business and were absorbed in furry.

    Even Zhong Mingxue, who is usually unsmiling, rarely showed a gentle smile when she was sitting among many "similars".

    Only Jing Qingxia still maintained a little rationality, thinking meticulously about what Zhong Mingxue wanted to do for the student union.

    "Oh, boss, take it easy, don't talk about it. Shopping is fast, let's have some snacks now, and we will have a meal later, and there is still time to go shopping in the afternoon!" Yuan Leshan is always in time Carpe diem character, even if it's too late, it doesn't matter to her.

    Duan Yajie reassured: "Don't worry, I have a lot of acquaintances, I know everything well, just leave it to me, and I will make it in time."

    Afraid that Jing Qingxia would not be happy, she added an emotional card: "And Sister Xia, look at your For a while, I went straight home after school, and we had to train on weekends, how long has it been since we made an appointment to play?"

    "We just had dessert yesterday!" Jing Qingxia squinted.

    Don't think that too many things happened yesterday, I just lost my memory.

    Duan Yajie felt guilty.

    Yuan Leshan interrupted directly: "That's right, isn't today also the weekend? Boss, are you okay at the training camp?"

    "I asked for two days off." Now it was Jing Qingxia's turn to feel guilty, because Zhong Mingxue had an accident. Without even thinking about it, Qingxia sent a message to the teacher in the training camp.

    "There are only two days of training in a week, and you took two days off? Uncles and aunts know that, they must think that your lazy cancer has relapsed." Duan Yajie hit the nail on the head.

    Yes, I trained two days a week, and I asked for two days off. Otherwise, why would I feel guilty?

    But isn't this a special situation?

    Of course Jing Qingxia would not emphasize any special circumstances.

    Half-true and half-truth said: "I feel that the training items in the training camp are not enough. I might as well train with them. So I gave the training camp teachers two days to reflect on and adjust my training plan."

    "What kind of physical monster are you!" Yuan Leshan and Duan Yajie sighed in unison.

    Zhong Mingxue's eyes flickered, she was too embarrassed to take up this topic. The scene of Jing Qingxia unilaterally beating a greasy man flashed through his mind.

    Her skills are really good, so good that she doesn't look like an ordinary female high school student at all, but a bit like... a hidden master.

    Could it be that Jing Qingxia was stopped by some beggar during the summer vacation, and said a few words, I think your bone surprise is a good material for martial arts, and then stuffed the basic martial arts cheats, right?

    In such a relaxed environment, Zhong Mingxue maintained a calm expression, but a messy plot was active in her mind.

    If anyone knew about these mental activities, they would definitely be surprised.

    The four ordered two desserts in the cat cafe.

    Zhong Mingxue ordered a glass of bitter iced Americano, while Jing Qingxia chose lemon sparkling water.

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