Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    lunch break.

    The students who had been imprisoned for a whole morning were like beasts released, and the noise filled the entire campus.

    The campus forum is even more noisy.

    Jing Qingxia didn't even need to look to know how these good high school students would exaggerate what happened five minutes before and after.

    But anyway, Jing Qingxia, who had left behind the title of little overlord long ago, is completely full of lice and is not afraid of being bitten.

    There's even a little bit of planning.

    The S-level alphas have all become defeated opponents, and they will have a full deterrent effect on everyone in the short term.

    Zhong Mingxue, who had just had lunch, also returned to her seat at this moment, still carrying the residual heat from the outdoors.

    Jing Qingxia glanced at her: "How about lunch?"

    At noon, she saw the cafeteria where Luo Mei accompanied her, and said hello when they met.

    Zhong Mingxue nodded, thinking that the concern at this time might be Aunt Lin's order, and added: "The stir-fried vegetables with shrimps in the cafeteria are quite delicious."

    Jing Qingxia was satisfied, so she picked up the history textbook and stopped talking.

    Zhong Mingxue saw Jing Qingxia holding the history book and frowning for a long time from the corner of her eye.

    Thinking deeply, he tapped his head with his index finger.

    In the end, he closed the book and looked out the window in a daze, muttering "that's great", as if he was envious of the trees outside that didn't need to study.

    Zhong Mingxue actually wanted to laugh.

    "After you finish your homework at night, I can help you with Chinese and history. If you need it."

    She has gone through various human relationships in a short period of time, and has become sensitive and difficult to trust others, but it does not mean that she is hard-hearted.

    She has already felt the true kindness from Jing Qingxia, and she wants to give back some.

    "Huh?!" Jing Qingxia stretched her neck as if she was frightened.

    "If you don't need it, forget it."

    "Need! Zhong Mingxue, you are simply a living Bodhisattva! Snow Bodhisattva!"

    Zhong Mingxue's voice was really nice, and a single sentence could dispel all the heat of the day.

    Zhong Mingxue also accepted these adjectives used by Jing Qingxia.

    But seeing the gleam in the girl's amber eyes, she couldn't help but smiled and shook her head: "Your language really needs to be improved."

    Jing Qingxia happily admitted: "Isn't it! I really need it!"

    Now In this case, she is in a really good mood!

    A few days ago, she joined the low-level alpha mutual aid forum, where she found a special way to increase pheromone—a special potion.

    As a rare resource in society, this medicine cannot be bought with money, and it will only be reserved for top talents with outstanding achievements in top universities.

    If you get the quota, you have to go to the designated hospital for injection, which is very strict.

    Moreover, the top colleges and universities have specially set up courses to train alpha and omega to resist the temptation of pheromones.

    What Jing Qingxia cares most about is being affected by pheromone like a beast in the ABO world. Both the potion and this course

    are she needs.

    Even if Zhong Mingxue didn't take the initiative to ask for tutoring, she would ask her parents to hire a tutor at the right time.

    Now being brought up unsolicited, plans can be advanced. What made her even more happy was that Zhong Mingxue took the initiative!

    I didn't expect this level of progress on the first day of school.

    It must have something to do with Mrs. Su sending heads twice a day!

    Jing Qingxia was so happy that she even wanted to run to the hospital immediately to send flowers to Mrs. Su.

    If he likes it, it's perfectly fine to send the most expensive wreath!


    When school was over, Duan Yajie and Yuan Leshan came to invite Jing Qingxia and Zhong Mingxue to have dessert together.

    Zhong Mingxue didn't directly agree, but she didn't refuse either, she just showed embarrassment.

    Jing Qingxia was thoughtful: "Wait for a while, we are both on the cusp of the storm today, keep a low profile and go home directly."

    Zhong Mingxue nodded.

    Seeing that they reacted so unanimously, Yuan Leshan had to let them go.

    Duan Yajie: "That's right, many juniors and juniors came to ask me about your situation today. You really need to keep a low profile for two days." It's

    rare for Duan Yajie to say something nice.

    She turned around and said, "However, I have a hunch that it will be difficult for you to keep a low profile."

    "Shut up your crow mouth! Speaking of which, you haven't returned my old school card yet."

    "Aren't you going to throw it away ?" Well, let me throw it for you! Xiao Le, let's go!" Duan Yajie hurriedly pulled Yuan Leshan away.

    "Tsk," Jing Qingxia pouted and looked at Zhong Mingxue with a smile, "Let's go too."

    "Yes." Zhong Mingxue stood up holding her bag.

    The two rode home by bicycle, one behind the other. The setting sun was setting, dragging out the shadows of the two people, and it looked like they were very close.

    Although no one spoke along the way, the atmosphere was inexplicably harmonious.

    Unfortunately, this sense of harmony in Jing Qingxia's heart was destroyed when she arrived at the villa.

    Lin Chanjuan called.

    "You mean you are going to be on a business trip there for a while?"

    "Yes, you two should get along well."

    Two people... get along well...

    When Jing Qingxia heard the key words, she immediately became nervous.


    She turned her head stiffly and looked at Zhong Mingxue with an unnatural expression: "Did you hear that? Why don't we suspend the tutoring plan for today and wait for them to come back?"

    It would be easier for Zhong Mingxue to stay alone in the room Have a sense of security.

    But the word "confused" was clearly written on Zhong Mingxue's face.

    The author has something to say:

    Jing Qingxia: Boss, here are the two biggest wreaths.

    Mrs. Su: Your uncle (looking at his fist) don't have to spend so much money.

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