Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

    The moment everyone closed their eyes in fright because of the sudden abnormal noise.

    Only Su Zhenyi kept staring, her motion capture ability helped her see everything completely.

    She had guessed what methods Jing Qingxia would use to deal with these naughty little brats.

    But I never thought it would be this one.

    The little white bear is very small, not even as big as a palm.

    But Jing Qingxia threw it with all her strength, then took out the slingshot from her pocket to aim, and shot it with a "burst" effect.

    A tiny doll that moves dynamically and is so easy to target.

    Moreover, Jing Qingxia's attitude is confident and capable.

    She didn't worry at all that she would miss or miss and lead to her death.

    is a veteran.

    is a master.

    Su Zhenyi frowned and looked at this unpredictable cousin.

    Has this kind of record of piercing Yang with a hundred steps and hitting every shot ever appeared in the identity of the cousin's little overlord?

    she does not know.

    Now she wants to go back and investigate carefully.

    But this is definitely not possible. If the old lady knows that she is secretly investigating her cousin, she will definitely be taught a bad lesson.

    She swallowed, and could only keep her gaze on Jing Qingxia's face.

    After Jing Qingxia easily completed the awe, he ignored Xiaotian's questioning.

    Instead, he looked around in a very vigilant state, not knowing what he was guarding against.

    In poor and remote places, although it is always said that there will be troublemakers.

    But even if there were really troublesome people, they would have been arrested and educated by the village head long ago.

    Jing Qingxia stared at the direction of the forest twice more. It wasn't until Zhong Mingxue came over and patted her arm that she looked away and smiled.

    Zhong Mingxue looked at the slingshot in Jing Qingxia's hand.

    No wonder I spent so long fiddling in the room just now.

    I don't know where the metal parts were removed, but they were tied with super elastic elastic ropes.

    Assembled into a new type of slingshot dozens of times better than Odana's slingshot.

    Zhong Mingxue said in a low voice with half anger and half helplessness: "How can you scare children like this, childish ghost?"

    Jing Qingxia, who was evaluated as childish by Zhong Mingxue, almost laughed out loud.

    Of course, she also knew that she was a little naive, as if she was deliberately retaliating.

    And deliberately broke a little white bear.

    Xiong Xiong is so cute, how could he...

    Cough cough.

    Jing Qingxia held Zhong Mingxue's hand instead, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I have a sense of proportion. I'm good at dealing with this kind of children."

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