Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    Jing Qingxia grabbed Yuan Leshan's arm as a human shield and walked out of the tennis court, trying to reduce the attention rate.

    Duan Yajie suddenly held up Jing Qingxia's old school card: "Dear juniors and girls, don't miss it when you pass by. Now I am holding Jing Qingxia's old school card in my hand. We will start the auction now."

    "Auction you Big!" When Jing Qingxia heard that Duan Yajie was doing something, she was so angry that she threw the tennis racket on the ground and rushed over.

    It was as fast as a leopard, and everyone cheered again.

    The zoo performance-like atmosphere made her discouraged, she put her hands on her forehead and waved her hands, just wanting to leave the venue quickly.

    Mrs. Su, whose thigh was injured and was still screaming on the ground, was surrounded by students from class one.

    When they saw Jing Qingxia walking over, they all shrank back, a little scared.

    This girl has a phantom of death on her body, it's too scary!

    The preparatory alpha who has not yet differentiated has killed the S-level alpha who is a special sports recruit with one ball. How can this be human?

    Jing Qingxia looked at Su Tai in pain, and felt much better.

    Picking up the tennis racket, he patted Yuan Leshan: "Let's go, return the equipment."

    "Okay, boss!" The handsome Yuan Leshan held his head high.

    As soon as I got out of the tennis court, some classmates gathered around me.

    "Sports Committee, you are too strong!"

    "As expected of you, Jing Qingxia!" Among them, an Omega blushed and handed over a bottle of mineral water: "     Jing

    Qingxia, please, please drink water."

Look, it's Romey from the same class.

    Looking to the side, the cold and beautiful girl standing on the edge of the crowd but with a strong sense of presence is also watching her.

    "Zhong Mingxue, you're here too." Jing Qingxia suddenly felt guilty.

    When Zhong Mingxue saw that Jing Qingxia was making such a big splash, her first reaction was not to show off, but to feel guilty, and couldn't help showing a smile.

    Are you not afraid of me?

    "Yeah, I heard they said that you fought for me, of course I have to come and have a look."

    Huh? What is going on with this atmosphere!

    All eyes turned to Zhong Mingxue, and then to Jing Qingxia.

    "What? Rumors have spread like this! We didn't fight because of you! There was absolutely no such thing as betting on you! Although he mentioned it, I refused!" Jing Qingxia didn't have time to deal with the students around her. , I just want to explain things clearly first.

    She has an intuition that whether this matter can be explained clearly must be related to Zhong Mingxue's affection for her.

    Favorability is the guarantee of one's own survival.

    Take it seriously!

    This situation changed in Yuan Leshan's eyes: Tsk tsk tsk, boss, you are so majestic outside, but in the end you are still a strict wife!

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