Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

    Jing Qingxia, who ran towards the classroom while pressing the bell, pursed her lips, and then suddenly grinned again.

    Don't look at her acting calm and eloquent in front of the head teacher, but she is actually a little bit drummed in her heart.

    According to the plot, Zhong Mingxue will also join the student union.

    And the president of the student union is the second male number in the original novel.

    An Omega, a gentle and watery male Omega, affectionate but unattainable, the male second

    image .

    An Omega is not a threat to Zhong Mingxue, not to mention that this Omega also fell in love with Zhong Mingxue at first sight, and has been helping Zhong Mingxue wholeheartedly.

    Zhong Mingxue was safe in the student union, but for some reason Jing Qingxia felt a little weird at the time.

    On the contrary, after telling Jiang Yingying that she would help, she became frank again. It's not a bad thing to have one more person escorting Zhong Mingxue!

    "Come back from the buzzer, you seem very happy?" Zhong Mingxue gave Jing Qingxia who was humming a look.

    "Is it obvious? Hahaha, Lao Jiang was so angry with me just now, he wanted to hit me but he didn't." Jing Qingxia only said one thing.

    "You're so naive." Zhong Mingxue sighed, and recently felt that Jing Qingxia's naive moments seemed to be increasing. But she herself was also infected by this childishness, and she twirled the pen twice in her hand.

    Jing Qingxia was still smiling, the sunlight outside the window shone brightly in her amber eyes.


    Zhong Mingxue's application was approved two days later.

    I was in a hurry to prepare for the campus open day, and the student union wished for some help sooner. Even the sophomores are admitted directly, let alone the seniors.

    Zhong Mingxue's campus life suddenly became busy.

    Even Jing Qingxia often helps out with errands, he is considered half of the student union.

    "Sister Xia, you are here again. As a family member, you are more diligent than our regular members." The students of the student union couldn't help but joke.


    I somehow got such a title in the student union.

    Jing Qingxia glanced at Zhong Mingxue and saw that she was taking notes seriously, so she didn't refute: "Yes, I'm at the same table, I'm covering up, does she have any tasks?"

    "Actually, it's almost the final stage, The layout of the venue needs to wait until the purchase is over, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are not weekends, these two days should be arranged, so today I am in such a hurry to let all classes collect... will... president!" The students stuttered with Jing Qingxia about the future arrangements a bit.

    Jing Qingxia followed his gaze towards the door.

    Wearing a school uniform, a clean boy with neat hair and a gentle smile walked in.

    The boy is only slightly taller than Jing Qingxia, wearing elegant silver-rimmed glasses, his appearance is not the type that can be stunning at a glance, but it is very pleasing to the eye. His eyes are not big, and when he smiles, he squints them, so he can't see the gaps.

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