Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

    Jing Qingxia's calmness is like a booster.

    Jing Guangyao suddenly felt that his worries were nothing but worrying. Even if a hundred Zhong Xiaohui were released on bail, there was no need to worry. With so many professional bodyguards guarding them, would they be afraid of this lunatic?

    Zhong Mingxue also calmed down for a while.

    Facing Zhong Xiaoling made her a little out of breath. Facing Zhong Xiaoling and Zhong Xiaohui at the same time will definitely bring more pressure.

    But she wants to get over it.

    Zhong Mingxue took the initiative to say to Jing Guangyao: "I know Uncle, and I will also be mentally prepared."

    Jing Guangyao looked at the two children Zhong Mingxue and Jing Qingxia, and suddenly realized that they should not be regarded as Children come and see.

    At this time, Lin Chanjuan also came back from the outside.

    Logically speaking, Lin Chanjuan got off work earlier than Jing Guangyao today, but came back later, she came in with a cake from outside.

    Jing Qingxia froze for a moment, then looked at Zhong Mingxue.

    She remembered that Zhong Mingxue's birthday should be in winter, could it be today?

    A little embarrassed, but found that as a girlfriend, she didn't even know her birthday, so she asked in a low voice, "Is today your birthday?"

    Zhong Mingxue didn't care about her girlfriend's mistake, and shook her head: "My birthday is on The end of the winter vacation, not today."

    Then Lin Chanjuan took the initiative to explain: "I ordered a cake today to celebrate the end of your exam!"

    Jing Guangyao laughed, and whispered to the two children: "This cake shop It's her favorite, so you can eat with her." The

    two looked at each other and rolled their eyes, so it was like this.

    Infected by Lin Chanjuan's sincerity in tasting food, everyone happily sat at the dining table, had dinner, and tasted the cake.

    After the meal, the young couple watched a movie with the couple and enjoyed a simple and warm family atmosphere.

    After the movie ended, they decided to go to bed early.

    When the young couple was walking upstairs, they heard Lin Chanjuan exhorting: "You guys have to get up early tomorrow, remember to go to bed early."

    There was no other meaning, just a word of concern, but it made Jing Qingxia a little guilty, and almost tripped on the stairs One fall.

    "Let's go back and take a shower first." Zhong Mingxue said.

    Jing Qingxia quickly responded.

    Zhong Mingxue walked into the room without turning her head, her slippers slapped on the wooden floor hastily, her heart beating wildly.

    The anxiety of facing tomorrow was completely replaced by the tension of facing the night. Zhong Mingxue couldn't tell which emotion made people sleepless.

    She took a quick hot shower to calm herself down. But I found that the pajamas I subconsciously took into the bathroom were also a little embarrassing.

    Although it is not the kind of suspenders worn in summer, it is not the original cute bunny furry pajamas either.

    It is made of silk, a style that can outline the figure when walking with wind.

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