Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

    When Yuan Leshan heard that Jing Qingxia had something to ask them, he immediately became excited.

    Although she has been drinking CP hard, she feels that she doesn't know many things, like an outsider.

    Now that Jing Qingxia is willing to take the initiative to say it, she is naturally happy.

    Duan Yajie is also in the same mood. Although she is a social expert, she always has only two good friends in the real sense. She hopes that friends can treat each other honestly and use both sides.

    Jing Qingxia glanced at Zhong Mingxue.

    Zhong Mingxue nodded.

    This matter was the result of discussions in the car on the way here this morning.

    Since the two aunts of the Zhong family have placed eyeliners in the school, it is better to settle this matter at school.

    Jing Qingxia first re-explained the situation between her and Zhong Mingxue to the two friends from the beginning to the end.

    After Yuan Leshan heard it, his first reaction was frustration: "You guys are actually a fake engagement."

    Jing Qingxia raised her forehead: "I explained this in the group from the beginning, but you didn't listen to a word?"

    "I thought Are you going to get married first and then fall in love."


    "Hey... okay, okay... let me take it easy." Yuan Leshan walked away two steps as he said, as if hurt by love.

    Duan Yajie laughed instead, thinking that Yuan Leshan is so stupid, he can't even tell what state his CP is in now, so he needs to be sad?

    She patted Jing Qingxia on the shoulder: "Leave Xiao Le alone, tell me, what do we need to do?"

    "I know you have a good relationship with the school forum administrator, I want you to help investigate the recent forum A post involving me and Zhong Mingxue."

    "What, Duan Yajie, you actually know the school forum administrator? Why didn't I know!" Yuan Leshan turned his head.

    "I also said this in the group. Even Sister Xia remembers it, but you don't know. It's because you don't care enough about me." Duan Yajie gave Yuan Leshan a squinting look.

    Yuan Leshan smiled, and asked again: "Then can I ask for a refinement of the post I posted?"

    "No, the administrator is only responsible for deleting the post."

    Yuan Leshan muttered dissatisfiedly, and stood back to the original Looking at Jing Qingxia: "Boss, Yajie's task has been assigned, what about me?"

    "Just help me keep an eye on Xiang Jiayou and Jiao Li at school."

    "Huh?! Jiao Li Do you have a problem?" Yuanle Mountain is diagonally opposite Jiao Li, and the two of them occasionally chatted a few words.

    Duan Yajie saw the great change in Yuan Leshan's expression, as if he had heard that there was a heinous traitor in the class.

    Yuan Leshan felt that Xiang Jiayou, a transfer student who had no sense of class honor and no sense of community, was an outsider, so she didn't care if he was an enemy.

    But Jiao Li is obviously a member of the class and a friend who worked hard together at the sports meeting.

    At that time, after running 3,000 meters, I even handed her a bottle of water, and she actually betrayed the organization!

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