Chapter 100

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Chapter 100 If Line Parallel World 4

    Fifteen minutes after getting ready to go, the eight-member team gathered in the parking lot and boarded the camouflaged pickup truck.

    A materialization institute where the professor of the target location is located.

    The action teams each put on appropriate clothing.

    For example, there is no sense of disobedience for a tall man like Hanzi who directly pretends to be a bodyguard or security guard.

    For example, Xiaojing, who has a background in physical chemistry, puts on a researcher's coat and is responsible for directly entering the core area of ​​the laboratory.

    Jing Qingxia herself was wearing a very ordinary shirt, holding a clerical worker's badge.

    In the car, he took a closer look at the task schedule and information.

    Jing Qingxia found that the information given in the materials was vague, and even the name of the professor had to be introduced by the professor himself after arriving at the Institute of Material Chemistry.

    It seems that as the team leader said, although the task level is very high, there is actually no risk, otherwise the information on the protected object would not be so vague.

    "The professor and his wife also have a child, Gou, if you are sent to pretend to be a bodyguard to follow the eldest lady, it will be fine?" Jing Qingxia is not sure whether the child is male or female, old or young, but Goudaner is a person who does things. Flexible and the right fit.

    "No problem! Captain, you know, although I usually do my best, I'm still reliable during missions." Goudaner saluted and accepted the order.

    Jing Qingxia didn't refute, and put away the task list.

    He exhorted a few more words.

    "There are two tasks to protect the professor and his wife. One is the personal safety of the two professors, and the other is the safety of the experimental results that are about to be produced. Therefore, during this period of time, the inspection of the entrance and exit of the Institute of Materialization and Chemistry must be strict, and the core areas such as one person and one card pass. Today Tonight we need to decorate the professor's house. This is the floor plan of the Institute of Physical Chemistry and the professor's house, you can familiarize yourself with it on the way."

    "Yes!" The seven team members responded.


    Two hours later, the eight people got out of the car and met the person in charge of the Institute of Materialization and Chemistry first. The person in charge familiarized the eight of them with the environment of the Institute of Materialization and Chemistry, and finally brought them to the door of the professor's office.

    When I arrived, the door of the office was normally open, and two professors inside were arguing with each other over a certain data.

    The person in charge smiled sheepishly, it seems that this is very common.

    Jing Qingxia also felt that it was nothing, and stood outside the door with the team members.

    The two professors in the door, a man and a woman, seemed to be in good spirits, and they were also very temperamental. Although they were eager to talk about the data, they were not irritable, and they talked with reason.

    The eight people outside the door did not dare to disturb them.

    Only Goudaner whispered outside: "The two professors are very good-looking, the daughter must be very beautiful."

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