Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

    Boom boom boom—couldn't

    tell if it was the gas pedal or the thunder.

    Jing Qingxia squinted her eyes in the heavy rain, and drove towards the town along the only mountain road.

    The village is backward, and there will be no cars driving up the mountain, but it gives Jing Qingxia a chance to sprint at full speed. Rubbing the ground sideways and forcing a limit corner.

    Use all the motorcycle extreme tricks you have learned before, and even push the limit.

    It bumped all the way but never stopped.

    Su Zhenyi arranged for the vehicle to follow closely behind, but when she chased out, let alone the motorcycle exhaust or taillights, she couldn't even catch the sound of the accelerator pedal resounding through the mountains.

    She can even imagine the scene where Jing Qingxia is like a motorcycle stuntman, she dare not think about it.


    The heavy rain has no intention of stopping at all.

    The driver Su Zhenyi arranged for Zhong Mingxue and Jin Ye had good driving skills, but for the safety of the important people in the car, they drove very slowly along the way.

    The two girls sat at the back, almost falling asleep in a daze from the slight bumps and the slow and long drive.

    When the car arrived in the small town, the bodyguard sitting in the passenger seat coughed as a reminder.

    In a daze, Jin Ye sat up straight: "Are you here?"

    Zhong Mingxue felt a little motion sickness and was not very comfortable. She took out the water in her bag and took a sip. After a delay of two seconds, she breathed out and said, "Just go straight Let’s go to the mall in the town, it’s fine if you can buy the items on the list in the mall or you can’t buy them.”

    “Yeah, I think it should be like this too, Jing’s Group obviously has enough necessities for life, I see The layout is much better than the last time I came here, and they are still picky, and I want to give them a low score in the winter vacation practice report." Jin Ye was indignant.

    Zhong Mingxue put the water back into her schoolbag: "You do have such power."

    "Hey, forget it, I'm just talking. If I deduct points for this, I'm afraid they won't be able to deduct enough points. But what surprised me the most today is that Mrs. Su actually helped us manage it. Everyone is very happy. Afraid of him, the effect is quite good." Jin Ye wanted to look outside through the glass, but unfortunately the torrential rain was too loud and his vision was blurred.

    "It would be better if Xia Xia came to help in person." Zhong Mingxue also looked out the window with a smile on her lips.

    The smile could be heard just by the tone of voice, and Jin Ye also laughed.

    Oh, this model couple is so sweet!


    outside the car window, a purple light flashed by.

    For a moment, Jin Ye had the illusion that he had entered the space-time tunnel.

    It's such a coquettish purple, it's almost the same as Su Zhenyi's motorcycle.

    The car suddenly slammed on the brakes.


    Although the speed of the car was not fast, but in a relaxed state, Jin Ye was caught off guard by a sudden brake and hit his head on the back of the driver's seat.

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