Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

    On the day it was arranged to go to the amusement park, Jing Qing got up before dawn, like a child about to participate in a spring outing, excited beyond restraint.

    Mingming took Yuan Leshan to adjust the strategy last night and studied until midnight, but he was still full of energy in the morning.

    Because I can go to the amusement park.

    Because I can go to the amusement park with Zhong Mingxue!

    Jing Qingxia was in the room, picking out clothes for a while while it was still early.

    The weather forecast says the weather will be fine today and the temperature will be higher than the previous two days.

    She finally chose a sweater with a lot of balloons printed on a white background, which matched the amusement park she was going to today.

    Throw on another chunky denim jacket and matching jeans.

    This should be considered suitable for taking pictures and playing games, right?

    Jing Qingxia flipped through her notebook to make sure it was correct, and then went out.

    As soon as he went out, he saw Zhong Mingxue coming out of the room.

    This early in the morning, I changed into casual clothes that are also convenient for movement.

    The blue and white striped sweater on her body immediately caught Jing Qingxia's attention, the clothes look so good!

    Jing Qingxia turned her eyes around Zhong Mingxue and smiled.

    No, it should be Zhong Mingxue who took a good look at it.

    My girlfriend looks so good!

    "It turns out that Lord Xueshen is also so excited about going to the amusement park, he got up early." Jing Qingxia moved closer to Zhong Mingxue.

    "You use the words very well, fully expressing your own mood." The god of learning was annoyed as he took the first step while appreciating the words.

    Jing Qingxia smiled.

    Almost forgot.

    Zhong Mingxue's bickering is also very sharp.

    Well, the words are really good.

    Aunt Zhang, who is used to getting up early every day, is tidying up in the living room.

    Seeing Jing Qingxia and Zhong Mingxue walking down the stairs with smiles on their faces, they also laughed.

    The more I look at the two girls, the more I feel that they are a good match, and they always wear the same clothes as couples.

    "Good morning, Xiaoxue, Xia Xia."

    "Good morning, Aunt Zhang." The two replied.

    Aunt Zhang greeted immediately: "Bread for you in the morning, and some snacks for the amusement park, please remember to take them away."

    "Okay, thank you Aunt Zhang." The

    two children were indeed regarded as two children up.

    Then the two children looked at each other and laughed heartily.

    It's not bad to be treated like a child like this.

    So, after breakfast.

    The two children were escorted by the driver to the amusement park under the watchful eyes of their parents.

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