Interlude: The One Eyed Prince

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Dragonstone Castle, Dragonstone Island

126 AC

"I hope your travels were easy, brother, sister." his half sister said as Aemond and Helaena entered the courtyard.

"They were, sister. The winds were kind." Helaena smiled and Rhaenyra smiled back. The two sisters always got along well.

"Aemond." she then said.

"Sister." he greeted cooly.

He saw that Lucerys wasn't there but ignored it.

"Aunt Helaena! Uncle Aemond! It's good to see you!" a voice chirped and Daenaera speed walked over, hugging Helaena.

Aemond resisted the urge to flinch. He had a dream of Vhagar killing an older Daenaera... but that had to be a dream, right?

"Daenaera." he said stiffly.

"Let's head inside. We have dinner." Rhaenyra said and he following his half sister inside. Daenaera kept up the chatter about Dragonstone, dragons, and the up coming progress.

"You're going to squire for him, you know that?" Daenaera said.

"Dany." Rhaenyra said.

"What, he is?"

"I'm squiring for Daemon!?" Aemond shrieked.

"Yes and don't throw a fit, nephew." a voice drawled and Daemon sat at the table next to his daughters. "Your father agreed it would be best."

"But I have Ser Criston—"

There was a deathly silence in the room.

"Ser Criston is an incompetent ass." Jacaerys muttered.

"Language, Jacaerys." Laenor Velaryon said without missing a beat.

"I second that." Lucerys agreed with Jacaerys. "He's mean and he hates us."

Aemond would have protested if that didn't make sense. "Then it is an honor to squire under you, Uncle." he said stiffly.

He was seated next to Daenaera for dinner and he was a bit shocked how realaxed and informal the dinner seemed to be.

Father hardly ever dined with them, and most of the time during dinner it was often stilted and awkward or Grandfather would be lecturing them about how Rhaenyra was incompetent and that Aegon would be king.

Instead the Black's talked about anything and everything. Fashion, the royal progress, dragons, dragon lore, Essos, training, politics, the Sea Snake's legendary voyages, and family trips.

And almost entirely in High Valyrian and so Aemond struggled to keep up. Daenaera was kind enough to translate for him while Helaena, Baela, and Rhaena were in their own bubble.

It struck the one eyed prince he hadn't apologized for calling her a bastard the night he lost his eye. And that was what triggered level headed and calm Jacaerys to attack him.

"You've been to Myr?" he inquired Daenaera in the Common Tongue. It burned him he knew so little of High Valyrian.

"Yeah. Grandfather Corlys takes up so we can learn about Essos, which he says is important. We've been to Myr, Voltanis, Braavos, and Pentos." the Dragon Princess explained.

Jacaerys added something in High Valyrian.

"Jace, he's really bad in it. Common Tongue." Daenaera scolded.

"You don't know High Valyrian!?" Lucerys asked incredulously. That got the attention everyone else.

"No." he said, his ears burning in shame. 

Daemon made a clucking noise. "Then my brother was a fool for neglecting that or your mother deliberately did that. We use High Valyrian to speak privately when we need to."

"Then we'll teach you and Helaena on the progress. Me and Laenor spoke a mix of both to Dany, Jace, Luke, and now Joffrey and Rhaenys did the same." Rhaenyra said kindly.

Did mother deliberately do that? Not teach us High Valyrian? Aemond wondered. It made... sense actually.

The only High Valyrian he knew was listening and mimicking his niece and nephews when he overheard them chattering away in High Valyrian and then researching what the words meant.

"Thank you." he said.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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