Second Chance

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Hall of Nine, High Tide

126 AC

Daenaera woke up with shouts, jerking back slightly.

"SILENCE!" Viserys roared and the Hall of Nine quieted.

Daenaera scanned the faces of her loved ones and masked her face when she saw Jacaerys and Lucerys sporting the darker skin and pale purple eyes of Laenor. Jacaerys was the mirror image of Laenor while Lucerys had some more Targyen features.

What the hell. the princess thought.

Rhaenyra II artificial home insemination invention has been sped up. Corlys found this out and that is how your brothers look like Laenor. Balerion murmured in her mind.

I see.

"He stole Vhagar!" Rhaena spat.

"Vhagar is mine now. She was open for the taking." Aemond objected it.

"ENOUGH! Why has my son lost his eye!"

"And why were you all fighting." Laenor added.

"He called Dany a bastard!" Lucerys shrieked, jabbing his finger at Aemond.

Daenaera nearly broke down in tears. Dany was her nickname, first made when she was learning to speak and at that age, unable to pronounce her name correctly.

'Dany' was the closest thing she had been able to get for her name at that age. It was also was Luke, Joffrey, Aegon, and Viserys called her before they could pronounce her name correctly.

"Who dares question my daughter's legitimacy!?" Laenor and Rhaenyra exploded in sync.

"Who told you this, Aemond!?! ANSWER ME!" Viserys roared.

Aemond shakily nodded at Aegon.

Aegon shrugged, unaware of the several murderous looks he was receiving. "What? She is, she doesn't look like a Velaryon."

"But she looks like me." the Queen Who Never was said softly. Daenaera turned to see her grandmother come closer. "She has my eyes and my father's hair, does she not?"

"She does." Borros Baratheon said gruffly and Daenaera quickly took a scan of everyone in the room who wasn't her immediate family. "She has Aemon's hair, Rhaenys's eyes and nose, Targaryen facial features, and Jocelyn's smile."

Cousin Borros, Lady Johanna Lannister, Lady Catelyn Tully, Lady Alysanne Baratheon, Lady Alayne Tyrell, Lady Vanessa Arryn, Lady Eira Stark, Lady Isabelle Celtigar, Lady Serena Royce, Lady Elinor Strong, Lady Bethany Manderly, Lady Olivia Redwyne, and Lady Rhea Reyne. she counted. What are they doing here?

The Ladies are your mother's Ladies in Waiting. There are some... changes to the timeline. Arrax spoke. Also, Harwin and Lyonel are still in the capital.

Obviously. the Violet Lady snarked. "Thank you, Cousin." she said shyly, giving the Lord of Storm's End a shy smile.

He gave a gruff smile back at his first cousin twice removed.

"The next person who questions my heir's heir." Viserys hissed coldly. "Will have their tongue removed. Am. I. Understood?"

There was a choruses of 'yes, my king'.

"My love, our son, your son, has had his eye removed by Princess Daenaera. I demand justice." Alicent piped in.

"Do not mourn me, mother. It was a fair exchange. I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon." Aemond said.

Alicent ignored her son. The Hightower Queen instead turned to Ser Criston. "Ser Criston, bring me the eye of Lady Daenaera Velaryon."

There was utter silence at how Alicent refused to address Daenaera by her proper last name or title before all hell broke loose.

Ser Criston took two steps before Dark Sister was at his throat. Even more swords were out and pointed at the Dornish Kingsguard.

"One. More. Step." Daemon crooned in the way that meant 'I will fucking kill you fucking watching me'. "And I will slit your throat here and now."

"Everyone, LEAVE!" Viserys roared. "This matter is over. Lord Corlys, have Velaryon guards take the Queen to her chambers. And my granddaughter will be addressed by her proper last name and title or you will lose your tongue!"

"Ser Arryk, Lady Alysanne take my daughter to her rooms." Rhaenyra commanded.

No one was surprised by that order as the two escorted the Dragon Princess to her rooms, her brothers, Baela, and Rhaena joined her.

"I'm sorry you lost Vhagar." Daenaera said in High Valyrian to Rhaena.

"It's okay. Maybe I can have Silverwing or Vermithor!" she said.

"Tomorrow, we'll help you claim Silverwing." Baela promised, Jacaerys and Lucerys also promising it help.

"With proper escorts and Prince Daemon." Arryk said. He didn't know High Valyrian but he and Alysanne had caught 'Silverwing' and 'claim'.

His charge, her brothers, and cousins quickly promised that. They slept in a big nest that night, safe with each other.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.

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