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Dragonpit, King's Landing

Late 133 AC

To say King's Landing was furious over the assassination attempt was an understatement.

More than ever now, Septas, Faith Militant members, and Septons were brought to the royal palace or were handed to the Gold Cloaks.

While the Gold Cloaks policed the city, the citizens also policed themselves, creating a system too look out for each other.

While a majority of the Faith were executed there was also the times when they were fed to the dragons. The people who watched always preferred one dragon or another's different methods.

Some preferred Meleys and Caraxes's straightforward but brutal way. Other's preferred how Arrax and Sunfyre would play games before ripping off their upper bodies.

Then there was how Silverwing would ground them into a paste while Moondancer and Tessarion would play games before tearing them in two.

Vermax would be incredibly patient, playing tricks and mind games until he got bored and burned the person to death.

Syrax would not eat any, the Golden Lady always pretending to sniff them before letting another one of the dragons have a go.

Shrykos and Morghul were to small, but it was excellent hunting practice for them until another one of the adult dragons were brought out to finish the job.

Telarion and Vhagar were very fussy beasts. They would only eat what their riders gave them, and while Telarion preferred those who had crimes against children, Vhagar would only eat men who had crimes against women and children.

Those who were given to Telarion suffered the longest death of their organs being ripped out by teeth and claws, one by one.

Vhagar would give her victims a long stare before ripping off an arm or leg and then drowning them in the Blackwater Bay.

And today, both of them wanted to have the person who dared attack their riders child.

"Citizens of King's Landing!" Daemon boomed. "You know why you are all here at this point!"

"FUCK THE FAITH!" a women screamed and the chant went up.

Daemon waited for the crowd to calm down before Daenaera walked up.

"Citizens of King's Landing, we all know one thing: children are innocent of their parents crimes. What is their sin? To be born to their parents, into their family? They did not have that choice, and so why should they pay for it?" Daenaera spoke. 

There were ripples of agreement.

"My son, my firstborn, a babe of only a fortnight now, almost suffered that fate. The Faith wanted to snuff out his breath for the sole crime of being a Targaryen." the Violet Lady announced. "And I shall not forgive them for daring to do so!"

"BRING OUT THE DRAGONS!" a middle age man roared.

Daenaera grinned. "I hope you all enjoy the show."

She stepped back and the crowd began jeering insults as the assassin was brought forth. He glared murderously at the Targaryens but said nothing.

You can come on out, Telarion. Daenaera said.

Good. the violet scaled she dragon thought.

There was a roar, and Telarion walked out of the Dragonpit. There were no more chains, and several windows, reinforced with runes and steel, had been added.

Dragons were given instructions on when to fly and where to avoid. This was passed down to the other dragons, and they avoided farms, the city, and other places were the humans lived.

The man's eyes widened, and the Princess of Dragonstone got a whiff of a horrible stench—he had shit himself.

Vhagar's roar went up, and she landed on the Dragonpit, lowering her head.

"Lunch time." Aemond announced from his spot on Vhagar's saddle, before quickly sliding down her wings to his wife.

With a shriek, Telarion got to the assassin first, ripping off his right arm. Vhagar took his other arm while Telarion sliced his middle open, ripping out his stomach.

Vhagar took his leg while Telarion skillfully took his cock and then a rib.

The man's screams were very loud, but the crowd began cheering. Five minutes later, the man was dead, his blood staining the steps.

"Let this be a warning." the Prince of the City declared solemnly. "We are not weak, Viserys's endless forgiveness is over. There will be justice for crimes, and those who go against our family shall die in Fire and Blood."

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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