The Royal Progress: The Westerlands

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Casterly Rock, the Westerlands

127 AC

Johanna Lannister, the youngest of Princess Rhaenyra's Ladies in Waiting, knew that her older brother, Jason Lannister, desired to marry twenty year old Vanessa Arryn, Rhaenyra's first cousin.

Vanessa was the daughter of Henry Arryn, who was infamous with his protectiveness of his daughter.

In King's Landing, Jason did his hardest to woo the Arryn maiden, who seemed to be flattered and impressed.

Johanna liked Vanessa. She was kind and gentle but was ruthless as a proper Lady of Casterly Rock with an iron core and steel spine that made her impossible to move around.

So as Casterly Rock hosted a tourney and feast for Princess Daenaera Targaryen and Prince Jacaerys Velaryon name day, Jason continued to woo Vanessa.

William Dondarrion won the joust and crowned Isabelle Celtigar his Queen of Love and Beauty.

"Has Lord Henry given his consent?" Johanna inquired the Princess of Dragonstone as they watched Jason and Vanessa dance during the feast. 

Henry Arryn, who was present, was stone faced and stoic as usual. The court had dubbed the Arryn lord 'Stone Face Henry' for this.

"Just watch." Rhaenyra smiled at her Lady in Waiting.

Johanna saw Prince Jacaerys was patiently talking to Princess Helaena while Daenaera had dragged Aemond to the dance floor. And Lucerys was chatting with one of her Lannister cousins.

Princesses Baela and Rhaena were dancing with a few other of her Lannister cousins, to Prince Daemon's obvious displeasure.

Henry stood up to make a speech. "As all of Westeros desires to know, I have finally picked a worthy husband to be for my daughter, my pride and joy, Lady Vanessa Arryn."

The entire hall was still.

"Jason, if you hurt her in any way possible, emotional, mental, or physical, I will kill you, father of my future grandchildren or not." Henry declared bluntly before sitting back down to finish his steak.

Tyland burst into laughter when he saw how close Jason was too fainting in relief.

"You knew?" the future Lady of Storm's End inquired her brother.

"I did." Tyland smirked. "Lord Arryn and I were exchanging ravens the moment Jason began to woo Vanessa. I didn't tell him as revenge for what happened when we were seven."

The Golden Tooth, the Westerlands

127 AC

Daenaera was surprised that Rhea Reyne hadn't pitched a fit that Castamere wasn't one of the two keeps chosen for the Westerlands.

"It's fine. Princess Rhaenyra promised to visit Castamere if she comes on a tour of the Westerlands again." Rhea smiled gently. "Now run along, little dragon, it's your uncle's name day."

It was. The royal party's stay at the Golden Tooth aligned with Aemond's name day, so a melee and joust was held with a grand feast later that night.

Aemond was obviously uncomfortable to be in the spotlight, so Daenaera, Jacaerys, Rhaena, Baela, Lucerys, and Helaena stuck close to him.

"Why are you uncomfortable, little brother?" Rhaenyra inquired her bother later that night during the feast in High Valyrian.

"There are never celebrations when it's my name day." Aemond replied fluently.

"None? Viserys would have been delighted to give you a celebration, small or large, if you asked." Daemon frowned.

"Grandfather said since I'm the second son and not the heir, I don't need celebrations."

"Bullshit." Jacaerys declared.

"Bullshit." Daenaera agreed. "Ser Bullshit is full of bullshit, Aemond. Don't listen to him. You're a Targaryen Prince, he is only a tower."

Daemon, Rhaenyra, Jacaerys, Rhaenys, Lucerys, Baela, Rhaena, and Helaena burst into laughter at what Daenaera called Otto.

"Thank you." Aemond smiled at Daenaera.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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