Battle Cry

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Daenaera & Aemond's Apartments, the Red Keep

Mid 133 AC (Time skip, nine months. Daeron is now at the capital, safe and sound.)

Daenaera let out another pained scream.

"You are doing very well princess." the midwife from Dragonstone said calmly.

The midwives attending her where the ones on Dragonstone and the ones who had served Daella Targaryen, and tried to save her.

Not the ones that had killed the mother of Aemma Arryn.

The Princess of Dragonstone vaugely heard the chamber door open and shut, five other midwives etnering, and soon a voice was heard.

"She must get in bed." the strange voice said.

"No." she murmured.

"Your Grace you must—"

"NO!" she screamed, as another contraction hit her. A cup was placed against her lips.

"You must drink, princess."

"No." she said in time with one of the original midwives.

"But you must, princess—"

"No I will not! Ae-AEMOND! MOTHER!" she screamed in pain.

The door slammed open and she felt her husband hurry to her side.

"What is going on here? You five, what are you doing here? I did not permit you." the Queen snapped.

"Your Majesty, we were sent—"

"Sent by who? The only midwives allowed in here are the ones I permitted." Rhaenyra snarled.

"My Queen, they came in here. I do not know why the came in here but they are stressing out the princess, going against all of my advice and refusing to listen to her. I think they are the magic haters." the head midwife, Alessandra, informed the QUeen.

"Guards!" Aemond barked. "Take these five to the Black Cells." 

The Violet Lady vaguely heard the minor scuffle, before her mother took her hand as Aemond held her other. Time flew by before she heard—

"Push now, Princess! One last time!" a midwife encouraged.

Daenaera screamed again, pushing with all of her remaining strength and a tiny wail came up.

"A beautiful boy, Your Grace. A little king after you and his grandmother." Alessandra praised.

Daenaera sobbed again, and let herself be moved to her bed. After the afterbirth came out, her firstborn was placed in her arms.

He had her white-gold hair, but his indigo eyes were Aemond's.

"We did it." she laughed weakly. "Our boy."

Aemond nodded, his eye alight with happiness and love. "You can name him, my love. You did all the hard work."

"Hmm... I've always liked Baelor." Daenaera admitted, letting their son nurse.

"Baelor Targaryen. A fine name." Aemond agreed, sitting down on the bed next to her.

"Welcome to the House of the Dragon, Baelor." the Dragon Princess smiled.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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