The Hearing

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Throne Room, the Red Keep

132 AC

When the Blacks walked in, not a single eye could leave Daenaera and Jacaerys. Lucerys, Baela, and Rhaena got admirers but the main attention was on the heir's heiress and the heir of the tides.

Daenaera felt the eyes on her and her body—expected but still uncomfortable—, heard the whispers of courtiers and a few Greens who might jump ship on how to introduce their children to the Dragonriders.

Lyonel Strong had whispered that Otto was blackmailing him to favor Vaemond Velaryon, and urged them to get Viserys into the hall.

The King would fight for his beloved daughter, for his beloved grandchildren, until his dying breath. And if the king declared that Jacaerys was the heir of the tides, that was that, the kings word was law.

But a few quick enchantments and spells at midnight, and the blackmail on Lyonel Strong was gone.

"How many Greens do you think will jump ship for us?" Jacaerys murmured. Daenaera threw a quick moving privacy ward around them.

"Many, mother is loved by the realm and the people. I think a certain Green himself will jump ship if we convince him." Daenaera whispered back as she saw Aemond's gaze glued to her.

Jacaerys and Lucerys saw this and threw subtle glares at Aemond, Daemon and Harwin's warnings of Aemond's preferences in their minds.

"He is unworthy of you, dear sister, and not entirely whole." Rhaena objected. She loved Silverwing but bore a grudge against Aemond for claiming Vhagar the very night of her mother's funeral.

"But if we take away Vhagar, then all they have is Sunfyre." the white-gold haired princess smirked before dropping the moving privacy ward.

The Blacks lined up opposite of the Greens, and they waited for Vaemond as Lyonel sat on the Iron Throne.

Aemond's POV

Throne Room, the Red Keep

132 AC

He had been imagining how to take the city when the Blacks entered the Throne Room. Whispers broke out instantly about the younger Blacks, the children of the Crown Princess and the daughters of the Rogue Prince.

His uncles and nephews carry Dark Sister, Riptide, and a Valyrian steel dagger he recognized from the Vaults (he had taken a blood oath to not reveal the Vaults to the Greens).

His attention turned from them to his niece.

She was temptation in a human form, her gown snug on all of her curves, leaving little to the imagination of that body naked. He privately thought that she would look exquisite on his bed, covered in the Targaryen jewels. The perfect Targaryen treasure covered in the Targaryen jewels.

"Those jewels belong to Helaena." Alicent whispered angrily to Ser Criston. The Wildfire Prince knew instantly that the Cole Knight was sneering at his sister and her family.

He knew now it was because he was the jealous unrequited lover.

As for the jewels, he knew that his mother had asked for those jewels following her marriage to his father and then for Helaena when she tried to marry her to Aegon. The jewels were a sign of Targaryen heirship just like, or even more than Blackfyre.

His father had refused on the jewels, steadfast that they belonged rightfully to Rhaenyra and Daenaera, the future Queens.

Rhaenyra had only a few jewels on, while Daenaera wore more of them. They didn't make the rider of Telarion look gaudy or overshadow her, but enhance her existing beauty.

Her eyes flick over to him before she stands at her mother's right and Daemon's left, so he can only see a dragon circlet and the slightest bit of blood red silk covered breasts.

Aemond tuned out Vaemond's words, finding the irony in the situation. His mother and grandfather complained of Rhaenyra stealing Aegon's birthright, but here they were, trying to take the birthright of Laenor Velaryon's eldest son by blackmailing Lyonel Strong.

Had Jace been a bastard he would understand, but Jacaerys was the mirror image of Laenor Velaryon, as were his brothers.

Then came Lyonel's next words:

"King Viserys and Lord Corlys shall make the final verdict." the Hand of the King declared.

At that moment, the two entered the room. Lyonel got off the Iron Throne and bowed deeply to the King.

Rhaenyra moved forward, helping her father up the stairs of the Iron Throne and then moving back to her family. When the crown fell, Daemon picked it up and gave it back to Viserys.

"I must...admit my confusion." Viserys gasped. Essosi healers or not, his father was still sick and ailing. "For Lord Corlys knows better than anyone else on who the heir of Hightide will be. Lord Corlys, you have the room."

"Thank you, my King." Corlys nodded. "When my son Laenor married Rhaenyra Targaryen, we made a deal with the Princess of Dragonstone when it came to heirs of our respective houses. The firstborn child, boy or girl, would take the Targaryen surname as heir of the Iron Throne but a Velaryon first name in honor of her Velaryon heritage, while the second child would be the Velaryon surname as House Velaryon's heir."

The Sea Snake paused, getting the entire courts attention.

"In 116 AC, my grandchildren were born. Princess Daenaera Targaryen, and Prince Jacaerys Velaryon. By the deal and as the eldest son of the eldest son, my grandson and heir Jacaerys is my heir."

"As a matter of fact, Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon have informed me of wishing to betroth Jacaerys and Baela." Rhaenys added. 

"A decision I heartily agree with." Father agreed. "The union of the eldest children of the eldest child, Laena Velaryon, and the eldest son, Laenor Velaryon. Both deeply missed in our family."

Aemond tried to spot Daenaera but he couldn't. 

He knew Daemon would kill him before letting him marry Rhaena if the rider of Silverwing didn't kill him first, so that left Daenaera, the last Valyrian girl of marriageable age.

Mother and Grandfather always talked about some Baratheon, Lannister, or Martell girl as a possible bride, but never Daenaera. 

Daenaera, who by all facts and accounts of Valyrian history and culture, should be his Valyrian bride to mother and raise Valyrian dragon riding children with him.

"The matter is settled." Viserys continued. "I reaffirm Prince Jacaerys of House Velaryon as heir to Driftmark, the Driftwood Throne, and the next Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark."

The One Eyed Prince sighed. I knew it.

"You break law and centuries of tradition to install your daughter as heir and her daughter after her. Yet you dare tell me who will inherit the Velaryon holdings. No, I will not allow it." Vaemond Velaryon says, openly opposing the King's word in front of the entire court.

"Allow it? You forget yourself, Vaemond." Viserys snarled.

"That boy hasn't spent even a year sailing the Velaryon fleets or on Driftmark!"

"And I spent years away form Driftmark on my voyages, Vaemond. Am I unworthy as Lord of the Tides?" Corlys hissed. "Which is why Rhaenyra has agreed to let Jacaerys come back to Driftmark to learn our family traditions."

"So you let this whore—"

"I will have your tongue—"

There is the horrible sound of Valyrian steel cutting through flesh and bone and skull.

Daemon stood behind Vaemond's corpse, stone faced. Corlys didn't even blink, throwing a disgusting look at his brother's corpse.

"He can keep his tongue." the Rogue Prince said calmly.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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