Protective Dragon(s)

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Godswood courtyard, the Red Keep

132 AC

She's almost done with her story when there is a cough behind her. Daenaera turned to see her uncle Daemon, standing there.

"Kepus, Daemon, how are you?" she greeted in High Valyrian.

"I'm good, your mother is asking for you." Daemon said.

Daenaera hummed, giving Aemond a farewell curtsey before leaving. Arryk, every loyal to his charge, followed her.

"Is there something you want to say, Uncle?" Aemond drawled. His pride chaffed at the fact he was not the top dog in this conversation, but Uncle Daemon.

"She always spoke fondly of you, strangling her and Luke otherwise." was all the Prince of the City said before leaving.

Daemon had seen how Aemond had looked at the Dragon Princess. Longing and love... with a hint of possessiveness in the mix.

Harwin had warned Daemon and Rhaenyra of leaving the two alone. The Commander of the City Watch had said that his men reported that every few months, the one eyed prince would visit a brothel, and always choose the whore that looked like Daenaera the close.

Daemon very much pitied Aemond the next time either himself, Lucerys, Jace, or one of Daenaera's immediate family caught them alone.

Dragons were possessive, protective, jealous creatures; dragons with riders were even more protective of 'their' human—Caraxes had taken a chunk out of the Cannibal's tail when the black beast had tried to attack Daemon.

Only mother dragons surpassed possessive/protective male dragons.

One of the first things Targaryens were taught was to keep these instincts in check, especially in cases were the blood ran hotter.

So if there was a feast and some lordling asked Daenaera to a dance, then tried to hit on her... he did pray that Viserys at least taught Aegon and Aemond to keep these emotions in check.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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