Night at King's Landing

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Sodjisto means aunt in High Valyrian btw.

Rhaenyra's Tower Apartments, Maegor's Holdfast

132 AC

"Girls, I want you all to listen." Daemon announced.

"Yes, Kepa?" Baela inquired.

"Do not be alone with Aegon or Aemond. Harwin has reported of there... preferences and there has been a disturbing number of maids that never return to the Red Keep after serving Aegon." Daemon said.

"We understand, Kepa." the rider of Silverwing nodded. "We will stay with Dany's ladies, Jace, or Luke."

"We will." Daenaera murmured softly.

Later for dinner, Daenaera wore a sleeveless violet dress, the bodice was intricately detailed with silver filigree. Cassandra Baratheon arranged her hair into dozens of braids while Celia Tully chose an amethyst and silver necklace.

The amethysts woven in her hair she charmed to glow brighter.

Elyana Arryn and Maria Tyrell were helping Baela and Rhaena get ready.

"Can I ask you for a favor, Princess?" fourteen year old Cassandra murmured.

"Of course."

"Can my sister, Ellyn, come to court? She is a maid of three and ten, and of age to be a Lady in Waiting to Princess Baela or Princess Rhaena." the sapphire eyed Baratheon asked. Johanna had given birth to Maris Baratheon in 126 AC, and Floris Baratheon in 128 AC.

"Rhaena and Ellyn are good friends... I can arrange it after the hearing." Daenaera promised.

Later, she headed for the dinning room of the tower apartments. Her brothers, mother, and grandparents were already there.

"You look beautiful my dear, so much like your grandmothers and mother at that age." Viserys smiled at his only granddaughter.

"Thank you, Grandfather. Is Sodjisto Helaena coming?"

"She can't make it, unfortunately." Rhaenyra informed her heiress.

"How sad, I was hoping to meet Cousin Rickon." Jacaerys said.

Baela and Rhaena came down, the identical sisters wearing dresses in Braavosi fashion, but Rhaena's was red while Baela's was white.

"Cassandra hopes for her sister Ellyn to come to court as Rhaena's Lady in Waiting. Is that possible?" Daenaera asked her mother.

"That can happen. Rhaena, would you like Ellyn Baratheon as your Lady in Waiting?" the Princess of Dragonstone said.

"Of course! Ellyn is very nice." Rhaena smiled.

The night was spent trash talking Vaemond, with Corlys swearing up and down to disown him, Essosi politics and fashion, dragons, dragon lore, Westerosi politics, shipbuilding, seafaring, Corlys great voyages (which never got old), and praising the delicious food.

"What we need is a master of revels, Father. Someone to keep track of everything in a tourney or celebration. A Master of War would be excellent as well." Rhaenyra mused.

"A Master of Trade as well." Daenaera piped up.

"Good idea." Lucerys agreed. "I think Lady Katherine Tarth is the best choice for that, since she runs all of House Tarth's trading and her father gave her control of the trade department they have."

"A good choice." Viserys agreed. "I'll send word of that to Lyonel."

"May I suggest representatives from our kingdoms?" Rhaenys added. 

Eventually, Viserys left his chambers and everyone went to bed.

The hearing was tomorrow.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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