Burning of the Hightower

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Walls of Oldtown

Early 134 AC

Ser Mason Redfort was the second cousin of Ser Adrian Redfort, but while that may have meant he would fade into obscurity, his skill with stealth had gotten him a job as a Gold Cloak, to break into headquarters of gangs to open the gates.

Which was why he had been assigned to get into Oldtown with a group of men, and then open the gates while getting control of as many scorpion bolts as he could.

Mason had so far found the job easy—it had been easy to get in as mercenaries, which meant they had been assigned to the walls.

The grind of steel cut through the night, and Mason grinned. 

The gates were open.

He slit the thought of another sell sword, quickly taking control of the scorpion bolt he had been assigned. His men did the same.

"For the Queen!" he roared. "FOR THE HOUSE OF THE DRAGON!"

"FOR THE HOUSE OF THE DRAGON!" his men cheered.

Mason took his war horn, and blew as loud as he could.

Dragons roared in response.

Skies Above Oldtown, the Reach

Easy 134 AC

Vhagar and Telarion led the charge, Caraxes following in suite. Vermax and Arrax's flames bathed the Hightower ships, dodging scorpion bolts and burning the ships.

Below, street fighting broke out, the royalist vs the Hightower soldiers as civilians fled or were escorted away.

The three dragons reached the Hightower easily. The screams and shrieks arose, and Daenaera took a slow breath.

You know what to do. the Dragon Princess told Telarion.

With a roar, the Violet Queen unleashed her violet flames, hitting the top part of the Hightower and destroying the lighthouse part near instantly, getting ride of the green flames the Hightower had been . 

Vhagar roared and joined in, burning the lower part, her golden flames eating away at the stone. The Queen of All Dragon's flames ate away quickly at the stone.

The blood red flames of Caraxes joined in, and the stone of the Hightower began to melt. Vermax's green flames and Arrax's grey joined in, and the Hightower began to melt like a candle.

Melted stone shut the doors, preventing anyone from getting out. Daenaera felt horror rise up at the thought of any servants trapped inside.

I'm sorry. Go easy on them, Balerion. she prayed as violet, gold, blood red, green, and gray flames burned the Hightower.

I'll go easy on the innocent servants. The ones in league with the Hightowers... they'll get what they deserve. the God of Death promised.

Thirty minutes later, with a groan, and base of the Hightower let out an almighty crack and fell into the sea.

House Hightower is gone!


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