Dire News

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Dragonstone Castle, Dragonstone Island

132 AC

Unlike this life, the Blacks made sure to take royal progresses throughout the realm and improve city life where they could. It was the fact that the Greens made the Red Keep so inhospitable they often left.

The courtiers suspected this, which was why they did there best to make the Red Keep more welcoming to the Crown Princess and her family.

In 131 AC, the realm celebrated the birth of Rickon Stark, the son of Lord Cregan Stark and Princess Helaena Stark of House Targaryen.

When it came to the Maesters, Rhaenyra had quietly informed her most trusted Ladies in Waiting. Elinor Strong, Alayne Tyrell, Johanna Lannister, Vanessa Arryn, and Alysanne Baratheon had been informed and their respective houses were aiding in gathering evidence against the magic hating group of Maesters. 

Now at sixteen, Daenaera had chosen her Ladies in Waiting.

Lady Cassandra Baratheon, the heiress of Storm's End, Lady Celia Tully, daughter of Lord Grover Tully, Lady Elyana Arryn, cousin of Jeyne Arryn, Lady Maria Tyrell, granddaughter of Elys Arryn, Lady Jocasta Lannister, daughter of Jason Lannister, Lady Sara Stark (formerly Snow), Lady Hannah Celtigar, the niece of Isabelle Celtigar, Lady Samantha Tarly, Lady Jessica Mallister, niece of Lord Mallister, Lady Alarra Reyne, Lady Natalia Rowan, niece of Lord Robert Rowan, Lady Adrianna Redfort, the granddaughter of Amanda Redfort nee Arryn, her cousin Lady Seren Velaryon, and Lady Helena Strong (formerly Rivers), the legitimized bastard granddaughter of Lyonel Strong, were her Ladies in Waiting.

All of them in the age range of eighteen (Samantha Tarly was the oldest) to twelve (Natalia Redwyen was the youngest).

"I have news you must hear, Your Graces." Seren Velaryon announced, entering the family chambers. She had the darker skin of the Velaryon's, with the curls and pale purple eyes as well.

"Vaemond, Cousin Seren?" Jacaerys guessed.

"Vaemond. He plans to challenge your claim despite the fact you are the Heir of Driftmark and it is in Lord Corlys will you are the heir of Driftmark." Seren confirmed.

"The Greens will back him up." Rhaenys deduced. "I shall fly to Driftmark and inform my husband of this."

"We need to move fast, if we want to beat Vaemond to the capital." the rider of Telarion piped up.

"Pack your things, everyone." Rhaenyra said, steel in her soul and dragon fire in her eyes. "Vaemond wants to challenge us, and we shall return it with Fire and Blood."

"For we are the Old, the True, the Brave." Lucerys said firmly.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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