The (Not So) Peaceful Dinner

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Rhaenyra's Tower Apartments, Maegor's Holdfast

132 AC

That night, Viserys announced all of his family would dine together. Rhaenyra had given a stern lecture to her family to not insult the Greens, and would ban them from flying for a fortnight if they did.

"Muña, I had a dream last night." Daenaera said, walking out of her room and into the living room.

"What did you dream about?" Rhaenyra inquired her firstborn, her pride and joy.

"Grandfather dies tonight. We cannot leave or the Greens will attempt a coup." the pale violet eyed princess warned, switching swiftly to High Valyrian.

Communal Room of Rhaenyra's Tower Apartments, Maegor's Holdfast

132 AC

"How many outfits do you have?" Rhaena asked her cousin as she entered the living room. She wore a sleeveless white velvet gown for the dinner, with golden flames lace decorations on the skirt. Baela, Jace, and Lucerys all joined, dressed up in their finery.

Joffrey, at the age of six, was in bed already. He was too young for this dinner, and a handful of servants and Ser Lorent would watch over the young prince.

"To many for one person, this is an old one I dug up a few months ago and had redesigned." Daenaera admitted.

She wore a pale violet silk dress that hugged her curves, with cuffed billowy sleeves that left her shoulders and the top of her breasts bare. The dress was backless, showing off a blemish free expanse of pale skin, with sheer gossamer fabric panels that floated behind her when she moved like a cape or veil. For jewelry, all she had one silver and amethyst ring connected by a dainty silver chain to a matching bracelet.

"You look beautiful, Dany." Rhaenys said, entering the living room in a red dress embroidered to look like dragon scales, a silver and ruby necklace around her throat. "Now, let's get this over with."

The Dinning Chamber, Maegor's Holdfast

132 AC

She felt Aemond and Aegon's gaze on her the moment they entered before Lucerys stepped in front of her to block their line of sight. But she was seated directly across from Aemond, and she gave a faint smile at her uncle.

Aegon whispered something to Aemond, and when Daemon noticed the leering her eldest uncle was giving her he put a hand on Dark Sister.

The silent threat was enough to get Aegon to stop.

Daenaera tuned out Alicent's prayer and muffled a smile when Grandmother Rhaenys calmly corrected Alicent that Vaemond did not follow the Seven.

The disgusted look on the Hightower (soon to be Dowager) Queen's face was enough to get snickers from Daenaera, Jacaerys, Lucerys, Baela, and Rhaena.

"This is an occasion for celebration, it seems." Grandfather said. "My grandson, Jace shall will marry Princess Baela, further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Prince and his betrothed."

"Hear, hear." everyone raises their goblets to that – however reluctantly it may be.

"A toast to my granddaughter." Rhaenys said. "Make sure to establish that you are not a brood mare, you are the one carrying the children for nine months, then spend who knows how long giving birth to them. You will have a say in how the house is run, and who your potential daughter marries."

"The best match is a marriage built on respect and love, and friendship works expertly when you cannot find love. Respect is a key foundation in any marriage." Rhaenyra added.

"Is that why I am still unbetrothed?" Daenaera jested.

"I have a person in mind to be my future son in law." Rhaenyra smirked.

Aegon wandered over to Jace and Baela, and the Violet Lady rolled her eyes when he told Baela to come to his bed if she wanted 'a good time.'

"If I want to have a horrible time in bed, Cousin Aegon, then I shall contact you." the rider of Moondancer said flatly.

Alicent's eye twitched and Aemond laughed at his brother.

Viserys removed his own mask and everyone turned to him. "My own face is no longer a handsome one, if indeed it ever was but tonight I wish you to see me as I am. Not just a king, but your father, your brother, your husband, and your grandsire who may not, it seems, walk for much longer among you. Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts, the crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon is divided, let us set aside our differences. If not for the crown, then do it for the sake of this old man, who loves you dearly!" He cried out and everyone took on uncomfortable and sad faces.

Rhaenyra gave quick toast to Grandfather Viserys and Grandmother Aemma, telling her father she forgave him for his role in Aemma's death. She hugged her father and Viserys hugged her back.

Aemond made to ask Daenaera a dance and he felt a flash of ire when Lucerys beat him to it. Father left the hall, obviously drained and tired.

He waited a dance and was quick to walk up to Daenaera. "A dance, niece?" he requested.

"Very well uncle." Daenaera said calmly, and the two began to dance. It took all of Aemond's training to keep his hands from wandering and his eye on Daenaera's face.

"My mother is probably having a heart attack from your dress alone." he whispered.

"She's an old, bitter pious bitch." the Silver Princess said flatly in High Valyrian. "I don't care about what she thinks, her time as Queen shall end soon."

Aemond gritted his teeth, his breeches tightening at the High Valyrian coming off her tongue. "Is that a threat."

"No. It's a fact."

The dance ended and Daenaera spun on her heel, returning to her seat. Aemond did the same, and the moment he did a pig was put in-between him, Lucerys, and Daenaera.

Lucerys bit his lip, visibly trying to not laugh as he remembered the Pink Dread prank.

Aemond slammed his fists onto the table. "I shall like to make a toast, to my nephews... and niece."

"Aemond." Mother hissed.

"To my nephews, boys in the exact coloring of their father. And to my niece, who looks so much like the Valyrians of the old instead of the Velaryon's."

The moment he finished it he regretted it. Last time he called Daenaera a bastard, believing in the rumors, she had taken his eye.

(Would she take his other one now?)

It took less than a second for the Blacks to realize what he implied. A fist made contact with his jaw, and damn Jacaerys packed a good punch.

Cussing under her breath Daenaera surged forward, slamming her foot in Aegon's groin when he tried to pin her down and rushing for Jacaerys and Aemond.

"Jace! Aemond! Keligon ziry!" (Stop it!)

She rips Jace off Aemond and his fist makes contact with her cheek. No bones break but ow, that was fucking painful.

Mother came to her, shoving them both back and turning onto them. "Back to my apartments, now. No delaying, no dawdling. Am I understood!?"

The twins nodded and with their brother and cousins, left.

The Realm's Delight spun on Aemond, her face livid and furious and dragonlike. For she is a dragon, the most dangerous kind: a mother dragon. "And you. The next time you call my daughter a bastard, when she looks like Lady Jocelyn, Princess Rhaenys, and I, is when I have your tongue cut out. Am. I. Understood!?"

Aemond nodded, terrified at his sister's wrath. Daemon placed a calming hand on Rhaenyra's shoulder, and the two left the hall.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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