Word of Warning

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The Small Council Chamber

Early 134 AC

"My Queen, a letter from Oldtown." a messenger gasped as he burst into the room.

"Bring it here." Rhaenyra commanded, standing up.

She read the letter, and sneered.

"Princess Rhaenyra, by the will of Oldtown, House Targaryen is deemed an abomination and the sinful, unlawful rulers of Westeros. You are expected to abdicate the crown, disinherit your line, and let the rightful king take the Iron Throne. If you do not, we shall bring the armies of Westeros." she read allowed.

She then tossed the letter into a torch.

"Your response, Your Majesty?" Lyonel inquired, utterly furious.

"Don't bother. Send the ravens." Daenaera said.

"War is here." Rhaenyra said. They did not need to worry about the Faith Militant, for it had been stamped out. Nor the magic hating Maesters, for they had been purged. "And I shall bring Fire and Blood upon them."

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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