Tragic News

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Daenaera's Solar, Daenaera and Aemond's Tower Apartments, Maegor's Holdfast

Early 133 AC

Rhaenyra was crowned in the Dragonpit, to the cheers of the smallfolk and assembled nobility. 

Two months later, Aemond angrily confessed his love for Daenaera to her after jealously storming out of a hall when too many lordlings forced Daenaera to dance with them and she had followed him out.

She had equally confessed her own emotions for him, and their wedding...

Daenaera smiled softly as she remembered her wedding. Or weddings, actually, that had happened one month and a half ago.

First was the public one to placate the Faith, filled with the assembled nobility of the realm (minus House Hightower), but Daenaera preferred the private wedding on Dragonstone in the tradition of Old Valyria.

Now, all they had to do was deal with the Maesters and Faith Militant who were conspiring together.

"Crown Princess." a servant said, entering. Daenaera looked up form her plans for King's Landing.

"Yes, Miss...?" she trailed off.

"Rosalie, Your Grace." the servant curtseyed. "There's been a messenger from Voltanis, a Red Priestess. Her Majesty has summoned all the Targaryens old enough."

Daenaera nodded, standing up and leaving the room. Arryk followed here, loyal as always as she made for her mother's solar.

Rhaenyra's Solar, Maegor's Holdfast

Early 133 AC

There was silence as everyone processed what had been revealed.

Saera Targaryen's compound in Voltanis had been burned to the ground by the traitorous Maesters and Faith. 

There was but one survivor, a six year old girl on a ship, the Black Bird, just outside Blackwater Bay, protected by the surviving guards in Saera's service and a trio of Red Priestesses, as well as bringing the vast wealth of Saera with them on two other ships, similarly guarded by Red Priestesses.

The little girl, Saera's great granddaughter Shaera Targaryen, had survived purely because she had not been in the compound that night—she had been sleeping over at a friends house.

Once the little girls governess, Trianna Volterys, had realized what had happened, she had packed what Shaera had brought with her to her friends house, called the guards, and had fled to the Temple of the Lord of Light in Voltanis.

From there, the Red Order had given Shaera protection, gathered the wealth of Saera, and had got three ships to get them all out.

All House Targaryen had to do was claim Shaera, taking her under their protection.

"Of course we will." Rhaenyra said. "She is our blood, our kin. We will protect her and raise her. I, Rhaenyra Targaryen, matriarch and head of House Targaryen, claim Shaera Targaryen as one of our own, as our blood and kin."

The first ruling Queen did the claiming part in High Valyrian, as was custom.

"Very good." the Red Priestess, Kira, nodded. "While the Black Bird is two days away from King's Landing, a dragon flight can get her here quickly."

"I can go." Daenaera offered.

Aemond gave her a worried look. "I'll be quick, my love." she smiled reassuringly.

"Very well." Daemon said.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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