Dragon bonding

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The Dragonpit, King's Landing

Late 133 AC

"I can get a dragon?" Shaera asked excitedly.

"Yes you can, darling." the Silver Princess smiled as they rode a litter through the streets of King's Landing.

Soon, they reached the Dragonpit and they entered.

The Dragonpit was a huge domed castle at the crown of Rhaenys's Hill. The main gate consisted of massive doors, mainly bronze with some iron, and were so wide that thirty knights could ride through it at once. A score of lesser entrances were also present, some of them were oak-and-iron doors. The building's walls were thick and the roof strong.

A huge dome had been constructed above the pit. Benches were located in the pit itself, which can seat eighty thousand.

Within the structure, long brick-lined tunnels have been dug deep into the hillside, fashioned like caves, five times as large as the dragon's lairs on Dragonstone. Beneath the dome, there were forty huge under vaults which had been carved in a great ring. 

These man-made caves were closed off at both sides by thick iron doors, though the front door had been removed. The inner doors opened on the sands of the pit itself, and the outer doors opened to the hillside.

Many dragons preferred to sprawl about. With the dragon horns from the secret rooms of Dragonstone, there was regular exercise.

Rhaena was the best with the dragon horns, and everyone knew that once she was sixteen she would be appointed to Mistress of Dragons, in charge of the care and health of the dragons.

The two made their way to where Seasmoke and Telarion were curled up, their hatchlings playing with each other.

"Does Baelor have a dragon?" Shaera asked.

"Not yet, once he's old enough he might bond with one of the dragons here, or Vermithor." Daenaera explained.

Hello. Telarion greeted her rider.

Shaera's here to bond with one of your hatchlings. Daenaera explained.

Telarion nodded, and let the little girl wander closer. Similarly, the hatchlings stopped to look at this new Valyrian.

One hatchlings moved closer, looking up at Shaera with wide eyes. The little girl crouched and held her hand out for the dragon to sniff.

With a purr, the hatchling head butted her hand and nuzzled closer. With a delighted giggle, Shaera picked up her new hatchling.

The hatchling was beautiful, with brilliant deep purple scales, dark purple wing membranes, and bronze horns, spines, claws, chest and belly scales, and eyes.

That's one of my daughters. Seasmoke spoke up.

"What are you going to name her?" Daenaera asked.

Shaera paused, thinking before deciding. "Ralthion, for the goddess Meraxes daughter. She's the goddess of dusk, dawn, and clouds."

"Ralthion." the Dragon Princess said, smiling. "That's a very good name."

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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