The Royal Progress: The Reach

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The Arbor

Early 127 AC

The Arbor rivaled Driftmark in beauty. Olivia's boasting of her home's beauty was not exaggerations.

The port town of Ryamsport was located on the island, as well as the settlements of Vinetown and Starfish Harbor. Smaller islands in the vicinity of the Arbor included Stonecrab Cay, the Isle of Pigs—which had the children dissolve into giggles—, the Mermaid's Palace, Horseshoe Rock, and Bastard's Cradle 

Which the Arbor and the surrounding isles were an excellent center for shipbuilding.

House Redwyne easily and happily welcomed the royal family to their home. Olivia introduced them to her family and cousins.

The infamous stone faced Serena even cracked a rare grin at Olivia's older brother, Oliver Redwyne.

Needless to say, everyone had betting pools if Oliver and Serena would marry.

Highgarden, the Reach

Early 127 AC

Highgarden lived up to its claim as the most beautiful castle in Westeros. 

Highgarden was located on a broad verdant hill overlooking the Mander. The castle was surrounded by three rings of white stone which crenellated curtain walls that increasing in height. Between the outer and middle walls was a famous briar labyrinth which served to entertain as well as slow invaders.

The oldest towers, squat and square, dated from the Age of Heroes. Newer towers were tall and slender, with round fortifications dating from after the coming of the Andals.

The castle sept, which had rows of stained-glass windows honoring Garth Greenhand and the Seven, was matched only by the Great Sept of Baelor and the Starry Sept. The castle's godswood contained three weirwoods known as the Three Singers. 

The palatial keep was decorated with statues and colonnades. Also within Highgarden's walls were groves, fountains, and courtyards. The castle's structures were covered in ivy, grapes, and climbing roses.

Highgarden was filled with flowers, singers, pipers, fiddlers and harpers. The stables had a fine selection of horseflesh, and there were pleasure boats to sail along the Mander.

There were fields of golden roses that stretch as far as the eye could see. Fruits grown nearby included melons, peaches, and fireplums.

Elys Tyrell nee Arryn greeted her niece, Rhaenyra and her grand niece and nephews with open arms. She was the mother of the current lord of Highgarden, Matthos Tyrell following the death of her husband, Lyonel Tyrell.

"Mother." Alayne greeted warmly.

"My dear." Elys smiled. "And Rhaenyra, you look greatly like your mother."

"Do you have stories on Grandmother?" Daenaera inquired.

"I do. Aemma was well loved by our family." the Lady Dowager of Highgarden smiled.

Later that night in the feast, Daenaera eavesdropped on Rhaenyra and Elys conversation while pretending to eat her dinner.

"Do you know who founds the Citadel and Maesters, Rhaenyra?" Elys inquired.

"The Reach, I presume." Rhaenyra murmured.

"Yes and no. Over ninety present of the Citadel's funding comes from House Hightower, and the rest from their sworn houses." Elys said, looking straight where Alayne was dancing with Ser Harwin Strong.

"I wanted to no more about how my sister really died. She had you without any complications, you came quickly and cleanly. My sister was back on her feet in roughly six months. But once Mellos came, then came the stillbirths and complications. When she became pregnant with Baelon, Ronnel, Jeyne's regent, sent the very same midwives who aided Daella Targaryen in Aemma's birth. I sent the same midwives who aided me in Matthos and Alayne's births." the Arryn by blood and Tyrell by marriage lady revealed.

Daenaera dropped her fork in shock. She knew of the Citadel's conspiracy, but was it much bigger in this life?

Yes. Rhaenys murmed sadly.

"The midwives told Ronnel, Amanda, Henry, and I about the birth. That they wanted to give Aemma time to rest, which doesn't always work but is effective in a breach birth. Aemma had gone into labor too early, they said, and the head midwive is convinced that the Kickstarter was used but she wasn't given time to see if it was used."

"The Kickstarter?" Rhaenyra inquired.

"A poison used on pregnant women to make them go into labor early. Did you know Princes Gaemon and Valerion were born too early? And Alyssa Targaryen gave birth to Prince Aegon a month premature as well." Elys explained.

The blue eyed lady sighed, grief for Aemma in her eyes. "But in the birth of Prince Baelon, Mellos had a different opinion on what to do. Gutting her like a fish was much better idea in his opinion, and had Hightower guards drag the midwives out and replace them with Hightower servants, who held her down as he cut her open."

Rhaenyra and Daenaera were stock still.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! the Dragon Princess mentally screamed.

"Very interesting. Thank you for letting me know, Lady Tyrell."

"It's Aunt Elys to you, Rhaenyra. And you as well, Daenaera. Come over here, I have plenty of stories about Aemma for you." Elys smiled sadly.

Daenaera moved her chair next to her mother, and listened happily to the stories of her grandmother.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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