Evidence Revealed

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Small Council Chamber, the Red Keep

133 AC

Daenaera sipped her tea, mulling over the past month and a half.

The word got out about Saera, and Rhaenyra took it as her chance to reveal the magic hating Maesters and the Faith Militant.

The poisons they had been using were revealed, supported by Rhaenyra's Ladies, the ones she had told them everything.

The poisons:

Star Death—used to kill babies before they drew breath. Rhaenys had suffered this, out of her six children only Laena and Laenor had survived.

Laena, because she had been born in Braavos, Rhaenys had been restless during that pregnancy. Laenor had been born early, and the paranoid Rhaenys had only the cook personally prepare her meals, her water.

Star Death had also been used on Jocelyn Baratheon. Rhaenys had lived purely because she had been born a month early and Jocelyn had similarly been restless... but the other attempts for Jocelyn and Aemon to have children had been foiled by Star Death.

The Driftmark Maester had been the one to slip Laenor the poison that killed him, and he was currently locked in the Black Cells.

Aemma too had suffered this, the five children after Rhaenyra (who had been born early) had been killed with Star Death. 

Mourning Mother, a poison used to weaken a mother after each pregnancy, had been slipped in to her as well. Kickstarter had been used on Aemma for Baelon's birth as well.

Steel Tonic, used to weaken to weaken the mother during the pregnancy. Used on Aemma Arryn and Alyssa Velaryon when she had been pregnant for Jocelyn Baratheon.

Dragon's Ruin, the poison used on the Queens Alys Harroway, Jeyne Westerling, and Elinor Costayne, that had turned their babies into monstrous children.

Blocked Tide, a poison that when ingested blocked the babies path out, mimicking a breach, the labor would continue but the path blocked. Used on Laena Velaryon and Aemma Arryn.

The midwives had been trying to save Aemma, but Mellos... he had been the one to slip Aemma all the poisons that killed her and her children.

The former Grand Maester was Rhaenyra's and Rhaenyra's alone, she had made that perfectly clear. He had killed her mother, her siblings—the vile man was hers to deal with.

Gerardys was utterly livid with the conspiracy.

Daemon, Aemond, and Daenaera had been dispatched to Oldtown with the Tyrell's army (minus the Hightowers) and the other lords who had joined them, who had lost loved ones to the conspiracy.

The Purge of the Citadel was the purge had been dubbed, when they had finished massacring the Maesters in the conspiracy.

The Faith Militant was similarly rounded up in numbers. Many were burned, others sent to the Black Cells.

The ones who had set fire to Saera's compound were reserved for Shaera.

"And that is why I believe the city will prosper if we implement this." the Dragon Princess summarized.

"I agree." Lyonel drummed his fingers on the table.

"We can afford this." Lyam mused.

"Then we will do it." Rhaenyra agreed. "Gerardys, start drafting."

"Yes, my Queen." Gerardys bowed and shuffled out of the room. The council meeting ended and they trickled out.

Daenaera hissed as her breasts ached. Rhaenyra frowned. "What's wrong?"

"My breasts have been sour for some time, and I missed my moon blood..." Daenaera stopped as she trailed off, eyes going wide. "I'm pregnant."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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