Interlude: The Green Queen

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The Red Keep, King's Landing

128 AC

"Did they hurt you?" Alicent snapped, roughly grabbing Aemond. Helaena had returned with Rhaenyra and her family for a brief stay at Dragonstone, and then Driftmark, before the Blacks returned to the royal court.

Her sweet girl would most likely be murdered or raped while with the Blacks. She knew it deep down in her soul.

"Why would they hurt me?" Aemond asked confused.

Alicent scoffed. "Rhaenyra would kill you and your siblings to ensure you can't threaten her claim to the Iron Throne."

"But she doesn't do kinslaying!"

"Kinslaying is nothing to the game, Aemond!" Alicent screeched, her fingernails digging into his skin. "Stay away from her whore of a daughter, Aemond. That's an order."

"Don't call Dany that!"


"I'm ordering you to stay away from the whore and her children, Aemond! I will forbid you for flying your beast, am I understood!" the Green Queen snarled.

Aemond nodded and left.

Now, to rescue Helaena from Rhaenyra's clutches...

So, about Alicent.

She's been controlled from Otto since her marriage, he's manipulated her to the point she believes in everything he says. If he says Rhaenyra's a whore, she believes that.

She's very delusional at this point.

Anyways, I'll deal with her. I'm trying to figure out how to include Vaemond challenging Jacaerys over Driftmark after the six years like in Canon. 

I just need to figure out how Daenaera learns about Alicent's abuse without the Valyrian gods telling her since Aemond will be avoiding her to not anger his mother.

Any ideas?

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