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Skies Above Blackwater Bay

133 AC

There. Telarion announced down the bond, diving lower to the Black Bird and the other two ships.

Thank you. Daenaera said down the bond. She slide down Telarion's wing and onto the ship.

Kira followed her down the wing, as an Essosi women of Valyrian descent approached them. "Princess, I am Lady Trianna Volterys, Lady Shaera Targaryen's governess." she greeted in accented Common Tongue.

"It is good to meet you Lady Trianna, though I wish it was under better circumstances. We have claimed Shaera as ours, and you will be allowed to remain with Shaera." Daenaera greeted.

Trianna looked relieved, and beckoned Daenaera to follow down the ship. Trianna lead her to a door, and opened it.

"She's fluent in High Valyrian along with the Voltanish version of bastard Valyrian." Trianna informed her. "She's only started to learn the Common Tongue."

The pale violet eyed princess nodded and entered the room. A little girl sat up on her bed, dressed in a simple white gown.

Shaera had dark skin, long white-silver hair pulled into a simple braid, and lilac eyes. Her grandfather had been Saera's son by a Triarch of Voltanis, and had married Lady Sereni Rogare of Lys, and Shaera's father, their eldest son, had married Kiri Belaerys, the four times great granddaughter of Jaenara Belaerys and Kiri's own mother had been a Summer Islander princess.

"Hello." Daenaera greeted in High Valyrian, smiling gently. "I am Daenaera, you're cousin."

"Hello." Shaera mumbled, hugging a stuffed silver dragon close. Her lip wobbled. "They're all dead—Kepa, muña, Maegelle, Jaella..."

Maegelle, Kira had informed them, had been her older sister, a girl to ten. Jaella had been her twin sister, older by three minutes and they had perished in the fire with their family.

Daenaera opened her arms, and Shaera jumped into them, allowing Daenaera to hug her. "They are, and we will get justice for them. They will want you not to cry and stay sad, but to live for them, to be happy, but to remember all the happy moments."

"They would?" Shaera asked, eyes wide.

"Of course." Daenaera nodded. "You have to be the bravest little girl I have ever met, to leave everything you have ever known for a strange land."

"Kepa took me, muña, Maegelle, and Jaella to the Summer Isles when I was five. Grandfather took us to Lys on vacation three months ago, and Nana has told me about the dragons!" Shaera chirped, tentatively smiling. "Can I have one?"

"A dragon is not a toy, nor a pet. To bond and claim a dragon is a life long partnership, your other half and equal." Daenaera said sternly.

Trianna coughed. "You can meet the Princess's dragon, Shaera."

"You can. And if you want, I can take you to the Red Keep right now." Daenaera whispered the last part conspiratorially.

Shaera asked Trianna something in Voltanish Valyrian, and the governess gave a hesitant nod. "It is safe, right?"

"It will be." Daenaera promised. "Dragons are very fond of children."

Shaera took her hand as she followed Daenaera up onto the deck of the ship, holding her silver dragon close. Her lilac eyes went wide when she saw Telarion flying in circles above the ship.

The violet scaled she dragon shrieked when she saw her rider, flying closer.

Telarion, come meet my cousin Shaera. We are going to give her her very first dragon flight. Daenaera informed Telarion. "Shaera, this is Telarion. Telarion, this is Shaera."

Hello Shaera.

Shaera's eyes went wide. "I can hear you!"

"Valyrians and dragons can communicate, though its stronger with rider and their bonded." Daenaera explained.

After a few minutes of petting, Daenaera picked up Shaera and climbed up Telarion's wing membrane. After strapping themselves to the saddle, she grinned.

"Sōvegon!" she shouted, and with a roar the Violet Queen surged up into the sky.

That is today's chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it!

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