Long Live the Queen

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The Red Keep, King's Landing

132 AC

Rhaenyra was woken up swiftly and she took charge swiftly, leaving her children, Baela, and Rhaena in her tower apartments. Daemon's most loyal Goldcloaks were at the entrance to make sure no Green assassin got in.

Alicent, Otto, Mellos, and Criston were seized along with Larys Strong, a known Green and Alicent's crony. All of them bar Alicent were put in the Black Cells, while Alicent screamed that Aegon was king by the laws of Westeros.

"Andal inheritance laws yes, but not Valyrian ones." was all Rhaenyra said before Alicent was locked in a comfortable tower cell. Aegon and Aemond were locked in their rooms, guarded by loyal Goldcloaks.

The Goldcloaks and Kingsguard took pleasure in rounding up all of the Green's cronies, and by sunrise the Blacks were in control of the Red Keep.

Throne Room, the Red Keep

132 AC

"Presenting Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protectress of the Realm. Presenting Daenaera Targaryen, Princess of Dragonstone and Heiress of the Iron Throne." the announcer declared loudly before also, well, announcing the rest of the royal family.

Rhaenyra entered the throne room, dressed in Targaryen black and red with the crown of Aegon the Conqueror on her brow and Blackfyre ceremonially sheathed at her waist.

Daenaera followed in a red velvet gown with black silk flame filigree decorating the bodice, wearing Visenya's dragon circlet, which she had decided would be her crown until she forged a different dragon circlet.

Or not. She was becoming quite fond of Visenya's circlet.

Rhaenyra sat on the Iron Throne, and Daenaera stood next to it as her position of Princess of Dragonstone.

"Last night, my father, King Viserys, died. Let him rest in peace with my mother, siblings, and Balerion now, and the funeral is today for those who wish to attend." Rhaenyra declared. 

"What shall happen to Princes Aegon, Aemond, and Daeron, Your Majesty?" Lord Samwell Blackwood asked.

"They will not be killed, they are my half brothers and I am not a kinslayer." Rhaenyra said so firmly and with such conviction everyone believed her. "All of them, however, shall abdicate their claims to the Iron Throne. Aegon shall be made Master of Revels, Daeron will join the Citadel or Kingsguard if he wishes."

"And Prince Aemond?" Lady Samantha Serret asked.

"He shall be my Prince Consort." Daenaera spoke up. "Our wedding shall happen on Dragonstone three moons after Mother's coronation, which is in three weeks."

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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