Secrets of the Castle

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Dragonstone Castle, Dragonstone Island

126 AC

A downside of being sent back in time was that she could communicate the Gods of Old Valyria, and see and communicate the ghosts of House Targaryen.

"Find the three headed dragon." Daenaera ranted in High Valyrian. "This is a Targaryen castle, Visenya!? Which three headed dragon!?"

The ten year old had managed to escape Ser Arryk and Lady Johanna to find the 'three headed dragon' that Visenya had instructed her.

"Over here, little dragon." a familiar voice said and Daenaera perked up as she saw Queen Rhaenys. The queen pointed to a three headed dragon, made from onyx with glittering ruby eyes.

The eye of the top head seemed... off. 

Daenaera touched it and hissed when her finger was pricked. Without a sound, the newly revealed secret door slide into the wall and showed a secret passage way.

Who ever made this, I want to learn your secrets. the Violet Lady thought stunned and impressed.

Why thank you! Valyrian Architecture Volumes 1 through 10 are on the third bookcase on the fourth shelf. Aenar's voice said in her mind.

And the Shaping of Dragonstone is on the shelf below that. Daenys gentle voice added.

"Daenaera?!" a voice said stunned and she turned to see Daemon and Aemond.

"Dream." she said. The pale violet eyed princess grabbed a torch and headed into the passageway.

She was upset when Daemon grabbed her and pulled her away, the secret door/wall going back to its place.

"But—" Daenaera started to protest.

"No. We're telling your mother first." the Rogue Prince said firmly.

The Dragon Princess did not pout.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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