Last breaths

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Viserys chambers, Maegor's Holdfast

132 AC

Arryk escorted Daenaera to Viserys's rooms, were Ser Steffon Darklyn stood guard.

"I wish to see my grandfather." Daenaera said, and Steffon let her in. She paused in the door way. "I do not wish to be disturbed, do not let anyone in."

She entered fully, closing the door behind her, and hurried to her grandfather's side.

"Aemma... you're here." Viserys gasped.

"No, it's me, you're granddaughter, Daenaera." she corrected gently.

"Daenaera... she was right! Your grandmother, she was right all along. Rhaenyra was the heir I needed all along, and I killed her... I cut her open." Viserys weeped. "The song, the song! It can be any one of us, or a future descendant! But I was selfish, I wanted a son. And I killed her, my beloved wife."

"Grandfather, that was twenty years ago. She's forgiven you, I know it. Grandmother is safe with the Fourteen." the Violet Lady reassured him, taking his hand.

Aemma had forgiven Viserys, she had learned that in the afterlife.

"Your mother... your mother will be the greatest we have ever seen! That boy, Aegon... do not let him... become king..., Daenaera. The crown... it will destroy... him and... he shall destroy it." Viserys gasped out.

"I promise, with Fire and Blood." Daenaera murmured. "It's okay now, you can rest now."

Viserys smiled, his eyes clear and bright for the last time. "My love." he whispered. "I am coming. My love."

The light went out, and the hand fell back.

Daenaera bowed her head. "May the gods judge you fairly, and you shall see all you love with the flames." she uttered.

We will. Aemma and their children who didn't make are excited to see him. Balerion reassured her.

The Dragon Princess took a deep breath, eyes cold as dragonstone and harder then Valyrian steel. She opened the door and Arryk and Steffon turned to her, guessing the king, who had been dying for a long time, had left the land of the living.

"The King is dead, long live the Queen. Ser Steffon, get the Gold Cloaks and arrest Otto Hightower, Grand Maester Mellos and Alicent Hightower, you'll find proof of Otto and Alicent's planned coup in Alicent's sewing book, which is actually hollow. Have other Gold cloaks guard my uncles, do not let them out of their rooms. Also have them seize Ser Criston Cole on the charge of the murder of Joffrey Lonmouth. Ser Arryk, fetch my mother, she is the Queen now." Daenaera said sternly.

"And before you asked about the proof, Mysaria's spies found it." she lied. Instead, the goddess Tessarion had pointed out where the coup plans were.

The two nodded and Arryk beckoned her to follow him back to the tower apartments.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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