1. Sigrid Haddock, Firstborn of Berk

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Hello everyone, and welcome to my new - and first - GIANT fanfiction! This chapter is an introduction to the main character of our story, Sigrid Haddock. For reference, each chapter can either be longer or a bit shorter than this one.

For those that haven't read the description, this story will take place throughout HTTYD 1 - Riders of Berk - Defenders of Berk - Race to the Edge - HTTYD 2 - HTTYD 3 - HTTYD: Homecoming. I'll include original chapters as well.

Honestly, I've been really nervous to publish this, and was contemplating just keeping it for myself. But I've really enjoyed developing Sigrid as a character, and wish to share it with you all. I hope you'll enjoy it was much as I have writing it, and if you don't that's okay too.

I'll be uploading a chapter every week, so stay tuned for more.

--- reading starts here ---

Little fire-haired Sigrid had always been curious about the world. The four year old loved to dream and wonder, and was fascinated by every blooming flower, fall of a dewdrop, and baah of the sheep. It was only natural that she'd be intrigued by the countless of flame filled nights, where dragons flew above and through Berk, leaving only rubble behind by the time the light hit the mountain, as Berkians were left to clean up their mess.

Her mother, Valka, had always made sure that the adventurous girl stayed safely in their home, as she and her husband - Chief and father of her children, Stoick the Vast - made sure to defend their island. And whilst Valka didn't agree with Berk's ways of aggression towards these creatures, she would do anything to protect her children.

The night was dark, only fire lighting the path around the mountain of Berk, where Vikings let out their battle cries and swung their axes at the overgrown reptiles infiltrating their land. Stoick had long run into the battle. As Berk's strongest man and Chief, he could not be missed when he had so many to protect.

At first, Valka stayed inside their hut, noting all weapon placements incase it was needed, but she prayed it wouldn't come to that. The thundering of dragon's spewing rang loudly through her ears, but her eyes could only focus on one - or rather two - things. Her children, four year old daughter Sigrid, and newborn son Hiccup, were the lights of her life. She'd give everything for them, even if that meant sacrificing herself.

But the angered yelling and continuous screams was starting to become too much for her to handle, and she struggled to stay safely inside the house. And soon enough she'd run out there herself, after putting an excited Sigrid back in her bed, shutting the door behind her... or so she thought.

Watching her mother leave their home and run towards the menacing beasts had the girl curious, wanting to run after her in the rising flames. With little steps, soundless in the hellish night, she snuck outside of her home, ignoring her mother's previous commands to stay inside, and exploring the battle of dragon and man.

The other vikings didn't seem to notice the small child, too focussed on the reptiles in their line of vision, and not the small figure so low on the ground. Sigrid looked around with wonder, squealing in delight as she spotted the long braided-haired figure of her mother, who'd grabbed the axe from a warrior, stopping him from beheading the fallen Monstrous Nightmare.

"Mommy!" Sigrid giggled as she walked up to her mother, who jumped in fright at the sound of her daughter outside in the arena of danger, dancing through the fires of Berk.

Valka's blue eyes widened in fear.

"Sigrid!" She yelled out in panic, rushing towards her baby girl and scooping her up, holding her tightly to her chest. "What are you doing outside?"

Sigrid cheered, not realising her mother's turmoil, as she put her arms around Valka's neck, wanting attention.

The woman looked around, wanting to take her daughter back home - safe - as quick as possible. But when her eyes fell on her home, her heart plummeted to the ground.

"Oh no." She gasped as she saw the large, wide shadow of a dragon clawing its way into the straw and wood covered roof, making its way inside the home where her baby slept, alone and unprotected. "Hiccup!"

Valka had never run as fast in her life, and for the first time in her life she was prepared to kill at any cost, if it only meant protecting her children from danger. Swiftly, she threw Sigrid safely in the fur covered corner of their home, before yanking a sword from the entrance wall. Adrenaline running through her veins as she prepared herself for the worst.

But what she saw was completely different to what she had feared, and confirmed everything she'd always thought. The dragon, which had entered her home so roughly, was leaning over her son's crib with large caring eyes. Its singular claw held out in front of the babe, as little Hiccup put his hand near it, giggling in amusement as the creature inspected him.

Out of the corner of it's eye, the dragon noticed her presence. It flinched, scratching baby Hiccup on his chin, causing the baby to cry out, wailing in his crib, as it slowly approached Valka, who held her sword up protectively, preparing to pierce its heart if it came any closer to her or her daughter.

Somewhere in the distance, Stoick heard Hiccup's cries and became greatly alarmed before spotting the broken up roof. His face paled in fear and he rushed to protect his family, hoping he wasn't too late.

The dragon wasn't attacking, nor did it seem hostile in any way. It simply seemed curious, much like the child hiding behind her, as it approached in small steps, head moving side to side as it observed.

Suddenly, its own eyes reflected back on the dragon, as a shining silver axe was thrown mere inches from its snout. The beast cried out in alarm, pupils slitting as it prepared to defend itself from the towering viking that had launched himself past the reptile.

"Valka, run!" Stoick yelled out before ducking past the dragon, as it spewed deadly flames, lighting their wooden home on untameable fire.

"No, don't!" Valka begged as she put her hands on the dragon's wings, gaining its attention as its pupils widened once more to the puppy eyes she'd seen before.

Stoick rose from the flames, his worried green eyes darting from the crib to his wife, who was stanced protectively in front of their daughter. Sigrid's blue eyes landed on her father, glossed over with tears as her mind was left twisting with confusion. She realised that something bad was happening.

The Chief of Berk wouldn't let a tear fall from his daughter's eye, as his determined gaze was set on his children's rescue.

"Hold on!" He called out to his daughter, who curled deeper into the corner with the fur tightly gripped in her small hands.

Diving for the crib, Stoick pulled the boy safely to his chest. Twisting towards his daughter, he was prepared to throw an axe at the beast, and protect his family. But he was too late.

"No, Stoick!" Valka called out from the sky, as she was pulled away by the beast that had infiltrated their home moments before, disappearing into the night filled distance.

"Stoick!" She called out one final time, until they couldn't hear her anymore.

Hiccup cried as his father stood still, defeated. Young Sigrid sniffed in the corner, tears flowing down her cheeks as she silently watched her mother being carried away, not knowing if she'll ever see her again. Stoick cradled the young girl in his arms, pulling her away from the warm pile of fur, as shivers ran up her spine from both the cold, and the fear.


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