56. Once And For All

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Heather's recovery had been quick, thanks to Gothi's magical hands. The Berserkers had been impressed by her skills, they definitely weren't used to that. Or, well, not from such a wicked looking elder, that is.

But with Hiccup's return to Berk, informing them that they'd handled the situation on Vanaheim, they were free to go back home. Even if Sigrid was hesitant to leave her father's side, she knew she couldn't stay there forever. She had a tribe to take care of, and right now, they had to prepare them for war.

That didn't last long, however, as Sigrid was gathered by Spitelout, of all people. Her father's condition had worsened, and the people of Berk were expecting her to make a choice. To her, a painful but swift one. She was going to be married to another Chief, so Berk had to learn that they could no longer rely on her for those duties.

"I have full trust in my brother, Hiccup the Horrendous, and his ability to lead our tribe until my father recovers. I also wish to remind you all that I will not be your future Chief, but my brother will. I ask you to give him a chance, and let him prove himself to be the leader he's shown me to be."

Sorry, Hiccup. Sigrid thought. But this one's for you.

Was it the best decision? Maybe, maybe not. But one thing was for sure, right now she was expected to make difficult choices, and she couldn't make all of them on her own. She'd been preparing for this most of her life, the day when she'd have to leave Berk alone. So then why does she feel so guilty about being a responsible Chieftess-to-be? Ugh, dilemmas. 

"I know you might not completely agree with me, but you made the right decision, lass." Gobber assured, as he bid her goodbye.

Sigrid sighed, shifting in Electrode's saddle, before giving the one-legged Viking a small smile.

"Well, I'm glad someone does."

Gobber cringed at the memory of some of the disappointed Vikings' complaints, after Sigrid's announcement. Luckily, most agreed with her, but definitely not all, and they were loud.

"Don't let 'em get to ya, bunch of stubborn Vikings." Gobber dismissed them. "Now, don't you have somewhere to be?"

Sigrid laughed. "Let's hope they didn't miss me too much."

She should've known that wouldn't be the case.


Dagur had missed her immensely. Which was funny, as she hadn't even been gone a day. But honestly, she shouldn't be surprised. They'd been attached to the hip ever since their betrothal, and gotten ever clingier after they'd finally presented their gifts to one another. 

But, just like she expected, literally nothing had happened on Berserker Island after she left. It was peaceful, quiet, and everything seemed to be running smoothly under Dagur's command. No need for either the Chief's or Chieftess' input, or even Heather's. Sweet, sweet, paradise. 

"Ah! Peace and quiet." Dagur sighed as he pulled Sigrid along with her wrapped around his arm. "Everyone in their right place, doing what they do proudly for the Berserker name."

Sigrid smirked, waiting for him to make his point as they stopped to watch past the shore.

"I gotta say, Sig, I'm bored as hell."

"We can tell." Heather spoke pointily, making Sigrid laugh.

The sudden blowing of the horns by the watchtowers alarmed the three Vikings, as Sigrid narrowed her eyes to glance further. Her stomach swirled with uncomfortable acid, she had a bad feeling about this.

"Incoming ships? Were we expecting guests?" Dagur questioned with a breathy chuckle. "I mean, I'm not even cleaned up. I don't have any guests on my calendar."

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