12. Screaming Death

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So sorry for the delay everyone! In truth, I didn't realise how long it had been since I released the previous chapter, so my apologies for uploading this one so late. 

Please enjoy chapter 12!

---reading starts here---

"Tough day, dad?" Hiccup questioned as he entered their house, after Sigrid had just given their father an ice-block to hold up to his head.

Stoick sighed, the leftover headache from today still bonking in his mind. "Aye, some days it's not so easy being a leader."

"Tell me about it." Hiccup groaned.

Sigrid chuckled. 

"Let me guess, Snotlout?" She questioned with a teasing smirk, to which her brother nodded with a deep annoyed grumble. 

"What's he done now?" Their father asked, handing his son a smaller block of ice. 

Hiccup gratefully grabbed the ice, holding it up to his own head. "He disobeyed my order, so, I grounded him, and now he's refusing to obey that order!"

"Sounds familiar." Sigrid mumbled at the thought of her brother merely a year ago. 

Her brother, wisely, decided to ignore her jesting. "I-I don't know what to do, do I expel him from the academy for good?"

"Is that what you really want?" Stoick asked, putting down the ice block and getting up from his chair.

"No!" Hiccup sighed, before handing their father his own ice block. "But I also don't want to put the other riders at risk."

Stoick hummed. 

"Tough one." He started. "Decisions like this are never easy, I've made more than a few in my day."

Yeah, like betrothing me to that deranged idiot. Sigrid thought. 

"Then, how do you do it? How can you be someone's leader, but also be their friend?"

Stoick shook his head. "You can't, not always."

Hiccup looked disappointed by that answer, the cogs in his brain turning as his green eyes looked at the floor, thinking about what to do. 

"Son, someday you will be Chief, and when that day comes you'll have to make choices -not for your friends, or for yourself, but all of Berk."

On the other hand, Sigrid was kind of glad that the responsibility of becoming Berk's Chief no long laid in her hands. Sure, becoming a Chieftess would've been a lot too, but since that also wasn't happening, she could do whatever she wanted without fate weighing her down.

Although, a fateless life could be incredibly boring sometimes. 


Her boredom wouldn't last forever, as Snotlout had led her father's sworn enemy - Alvin the Treacherous - into their home. 

Every Viking in Berk had been riled up ever since his arrival, seeing him as an obvious traitor to their tribe -and their Chief. In the meantime, Alvin had been locked up in Berk's prison, before he'd be getting his proper sentencing. After that, to Sigrid's surprise, he had asked to see her and her brother. 

Berkians rallied outside of the prison, yelling profanities and just straight up screaming towards the building. Sigrid didn't remember ever really having prisoner's on Berk, that happened before her time. Alvin sat down at the furthest wall in his cell, waiting for the Haddock siblings to arrive. 

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