46. Sigrid the Stand-in Chief

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"I'm going to miss you." Sigrid whined whilst she wrapped her arms around Dagur's neck.

He and Heather were getting ready to leave, after finding another possible clue about their father, with the help of his old diary. They'd been wanting to look further for weeks, but with all of the recent trouble and having to rebuild almost everything on Berserker Island, it had really put a hold on their search. But now that things finally seemed to calm down - for Odin knows how long - they decided to take this opportunity whilst they still could.

"I'm gonna miss you too, darling." Dagur pouted before kissing her for the thousand time already. "I'll write to you as soon as we find anything, okay?"

Sigrid pointed a finger to his chest.

"I'm going to hold you to that." She turned to her future sister-in-law. "You too, Heather."

"Yeah, yeah." Heather rolled her eyes playfully. "It'll be fine, Sigrid, we'll be back before you know it."

"Are you sure you can handle the tribe on your own?" Dagur quickly asked his future-wife, with great concern. "If it gets too much, send me a Terror right away."

Sigrid chuckled.

"I'll be fine, honey." She assured him with a kiss. "I've been doing this on Berk for years, I think I can handle your Berserkers for a few days."

"Okay, if you're sure." Dagur nodded, still a little hesitant on leaving her behind by herself. "I'll make sure that Hiccup checks up on you, even if it's just for my sanity."

Sigrid laughed.

"That's fine." She gave him one final kiss. "Good luck and stay safe, both of you."

"We will." Both siblings assured, before waving their final goodbyes as they flew off on their dragons.

Now came the time for Sigrid's most challenging part until Dagur got back... finding something to do.

Sure, Berserker Island still needed a lot of help getting things build up back to how it was, but that stuff was easy. Dagur made everything so fun and entertaining, but now that she was by herself, without any of her friends around, she was bored as hell.

The Berserker people were also hesitant to ask her for help, it seemed. As if they weren't sure what to expect of her. But Sigrid was used to people being unsure of her ability, which is where her social skills came in.

"Need any help?" Sigrid asked one of the men carrying a crate of logs, who seemed to struggle with every step.

"Oh, if you can." The man smiled at her, he couldn't have been much older than her father, but he had enough grey hairs to show his age. "I have weak knees, you see, so heavy lifting has become quite a struggle, sadly."

"I understand." Sigrid smiled back, before lifting the crate up from her knees, letting out a grunt as she hauled it up to her chest.

It was heavy, but not difficult to lift.

"I'm glad I can help. I don't think I ever got your name?"

"Magnus, it is." He introduced himself. "And I thank you very much for your help, miss Sigrid. You surely don't have to."

"Of course I do." Sigrid grinned, walking with Magnus to the wood stock. "I'm marrying your Chief, the least I can do is be there for his tribe. And besides, I definitely don't mind it."

Magnus nodded. "Yes, I have noticed that. You and your friends helped us out of quite the giffy a lil' while back, if I remember correctly. We truly thank you for that."

"It's not a problem, honestly. I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Sigrid shrugged as they reached their destination, as she
helped Magnus stack the wooden logs.

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