5. Nightfury

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As you guys might've noticed, I'll be uploading a chapter every three or so days instead of one every week.

Why? You may ask. Well, that's because we have about 70 chapters to go through in total, and if my calculations are correct, that would mean over a year of weekly publishes. So yeah... that's a bit much.

Currently I'm working on the last 4 chapters of this entire fanfiction, followed by me re-reading everything I haven't published and making sure everything is ready before each chapter comes online. This combined with work and my studies might take a little bit longer.

So in the future, after I've officially completed all of my chapters, there's a good chance that I'll be publishing a chapter every day. Since I don't want to bombard you all - and myself - with 60+ chapters all at once.

So, without further a do, enjoy chapter 5! ♡♡♡

--- reading starts here ---

Sigrid was almost five years old when she was able to carry her first axe. The weapon was small, fit for more delicate hands, but it was still a bit too large for the young girl. 

But the firstborn child of Chief Stoick the Vast was stubborn, much like her father. Every raid, when the Vikings let out their battle cry and dragons spewed hellish fires on their wooden homes, Sigrid was prepared to go out there and fight. The problem; that she was merely a child, and there was no way that her father would allow her to go out there, especially by herself. 

Tonight they were ambushed once more, and little Sigrid had jumped out of her bed with excitement. Her father had long tucked her in, and by the slamming of the front door she could tell he must've run outside already. As always, Sigrid was left home with baby Hiccup, who stayed silently in his crib, fast asleep. 

Sneaking downstairs, the girl tried her best not to wake her baby brother, and snatched her newly favored axe from the floor; which she put there as she was in no way tall enough to reach the weapon rack. 

"Aaaarghh!" Little Sigrid yelled as she burst out of the doors, axe raised above her. 

If she were to slow down, she'd surely fall backwards, as the weight of the axe was still a bit too much for her smaller body. Suddenly, the girl noted that she wasn't running anymore, but instead lifted up -higher and higher. 

"AAAH!" She screamed, frustrated as her plans were foiled. 

The axe was pulled from her tiny hands, and her sky blue irises made contact with the frowning greens of another. 

"Daddy!" Sigrid whined, struggling in Stoick's large hands. "I was going for it!"

"You're not going for anything, young lass." Her father spoke sternly, pointing a rough finger towards her accusingly. "You're staying home."

"But dad!" Sigrid whined as she was pulled back inside, almost waking up her baby brother as she was thrown back in bed, with an angry Stoick in front of her. 

Stoick sighed. This had been the dozenth time already that she decided to run out there into the deadly battlefield. After she's grown up she'd make a fierce warrior for sure, but she wasn't there yet; she was way too young even for Berk's standards. But it seemed that no matter how many times the Chief tried to explain this, his daughter just didn't understand. 

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