41. Hiccup's Plan

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Sigrid hadn't been on Dragon's Edge in a while. She'd been a little busy on Berk, helping Gobber look after Shattermaster, and on Berserker Island, helping Dagur and Heather rebuild their tribe.

"Wow, Sig. I never realised you knew how to do all of this." Heather gestured towards the rows and rows of building guides and scrolls of Berk's rebuilding plans laid out on the table, all from their dragon raiding days.

"Yeah..." Sigrid trailed off with an awkward grin. "When your homes are burned down by dragons every other day, you tend to learn a few things."

"Oh." Heather wasn't really sure what to say.

Way to make it awkward, Sigrid.

"We really appreciate your help, sweetheart." Dagur kissed her temple as he leaned over her seated figure. "This whole thing would've been a mess without you."

Sigrid smiled, tilting her head upwards to kiss her boyfriend on the lips, much to the distaste of his sister.

"Okay, I get it, you're in love." Heather gagged. "But please, not in front of my eyes."

"Oh, I'm sorry, sister." Dagur apologized with a tone of mischief, as he put his hand on his chest. "I thought we were allowed to show our affections. After all, you and Fishlegs weren't exactly holding back either."

There it was.

Sigrid grinned towards the younger Berserker, who went red from embarrassment.

"That- that's different!" Heather spluttered, a finger pointed in her brother's face.

Dagur raised his brow, smirk still present. "Different how?"

"...Shut up."


So, it was safe to say that things on Berserker Island had been going fairly well, all things considered. Sigrid was slowly getting more comfortable being in the place she'd feared to go near for so long, and Dagur and Heather's hospitality definitely helped with that.

But, it wasn't only strange to Sigrid it seemed...

"You're very tall for a woman." A random lady said, studying her with narrowed eyes.

Wow okay, nice to meet you too. Sigrid thought. Gods, she'd just gone for a walk through the village, no need to get fussy.

"Uh, thank you?" Sigrid responded with a raised brow, she didn't really know what to say to that.

"Oh I didn't mean anything bad by it!" The woman smiled. "I just wasn't expecting it, after everything we'd heard from our Chief, I suppose we just weren't expecting a woman so... well... masculine."

"...Okay." Sigrid mumbled, her mood fouling a little at the woman's rambling. "Don't know what you were expecting, I've always looked like this."

If the woman thought that comment was a compliment, it definitely wasn't. Don't take down other women to praise another, not cool.

"Dagur's always spoken so nice and...frilly about you. I expected a dainty little Chief's daughter!" She chuckled, obviously not getting the hint. "But I'm glad to see that we're getting an actual Viking for a Chieftess."

Sigrid was now this close to yelling at her, or slamming her axe on her small incompetent head, but she never got the chance to.

"Woah! hi Sigrid! I was looking for you, you know, for that thing we really need to hurry for." Heather had come rushing in like a knight on a white horse. "It was nice to see you, Helga, but we have to go right now."

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